chmp6a (chmp6a,LOC107744992,LOC107599353,LOC107711234,LOC107672453,LOC108432238)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id chmp6a
gene name chmp6a,LOC107744992,LOC107599353,LOC107711234,LOC107672453,LOC108432238
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056701.1
NCBI id CM032070.1
chromosome length 30200998
location 7649629 ~ 7655190 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
chmp6a Predicted to be involved in late endosome to vacuole transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway and vesicle budding from membrane. Predicted to act upstream of or within vacuolar transport. Predicted to be part of ESCRT III complex. Predicted to be active in multivesicular body. Orthologous to human CHMP6 (charged multivesicular body protein 6).


PREDICTED: charged multivesicular body protein 6-like



id description
K12195 CHMP6, VPS20; charged multivesicular body protein 6


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043229085.1 True 1217 mRNA 0.46 8 7649629 7655190


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
ttyh2l ttyh2l,LOC107744973,LOC107670532,LOC107599325,LOC107711233,LOC107672455,LOC107587999 coding upstream 683 7619650 ~ 7648946 (+)
hs3st3b1a hs3st3b1a,LOC107711227,LOC107672504,LOC107587963,LOC107599323,LOC107744967 coding upstream 275165 7362916 ~ 7374464 (+)
LOC122341489 LOC107587965,LOC107672450,LOC107711223,LOC107744987,LOC107670478,LOC107599348 coding upstream 348896 7294957 ~ 7300733 (+)
slc16a5b LOC107672512,LOC107711222,LOC107587967,LOC107599319,LOC107744965 coding upstream 368593 7270950 ~ 7281036 (+)
metrnla metrnl,LOC107672492,LOC107711221,LOC107587969,LOC107744963,LOC107670526,LOC107599318 coding upstream 397706 7241697 ~ 7251923 (+)
LOC122334406 LOC107587953 coding downstream 130926 7786116 ~ 7796653 (+)
ptger1c ptger1c,LOC107757344,LOC107567231,LOC107672434,LOC107670435,LOC107711161,LOC107587998 coding downstream 146106 7801296 ~ 7807762 (+)
LOC122331730 NA coding downstream 319353 7974543 ~ 7977890 (+)
srebf2 LOC107574638,LOC107745393,LOC107721684,LOC107572757 coding downstream 500181 8155371 ~ 8166377 (+)
nol12 nol12,LOC107676179 coding downstream 523324 8178514 ~ 8181737 (+)
G17867 NA non-coding upstream 240089 7409238 ~ 7409540 (+)
G17862 NA non-coding upstream 251164 7398239 ~ 7398465 (+)
G17861 NA non-coding upstream 256757 7392591 ~ 7392872 (+)
G17808 LOC107587964,LOC107599321 non-coding upstream 335477 7310174 ~ 7314152 (+)
G17806 NA non-coding upstream 366683 7265343 ~ 7282946 (+)
G17912 NA non-coding downstream 16513 7671703 ~ 7728184 (+)
G17928 NA non-coding downstream 169996 7825186 ~ 7825842 (+)
G17930 NA non-coding downstream 174294 7829484 ~ 7829860 (+)
G17934 NA non-coding downstream 187149 7842339 ~ 7842968 (+)
G17936 si:dkey-210j14.3,LOC107672496,LOC107757375,LOC107711245,LOC107711244,LOC107670496 non-coding downstream 188391 7843581 ~ 7844217 (+)
LOC122331592 LOC107744988 other upstream 58103 7583354 ~ 7591526 (+)
G17590 NA other upstream 1092879 6504915 ~ 6556750 (+)
LOC122341437 LOC107718607,LOC107653460 other upstream 1454591 6186808 ~ 6195038 (+)
fbxw9 fbxw9,LOC107661857 other upstream 1546003 6098201 ~ 6103626 (+)
LOC122341474 dhps,LOC107661880,LOC107563249,LOC107653447,LOC107718601,LOC107563248 other upstream 1686741 5957403 ~ 5962888 (+)
baiap2a baiap2a,LOC107672452,LOC107711237,LOC107670476 other downstream 841 7656031 ~ 7725519 (+)
slc27a1a slc27a1a,slc27a1,LOC107670527,LOC107757377,LOC107567246,LOC107711240,LOC107672489,LOC107587997 other downstream 153053 7808243 ~ 7821078 (+)
LOC122341274 LOC107711242,LOC107672448,LOC107588011,LOC107757354,LOC107670494 other downstream 183766 7838956 ~ 7841669 (+)
LOC122331768 LOC107710248 other downstream 294571 7949761 ~ 7950417 (+)
G17985 ighv4-5 other downstream 295664 7950854 ~ 7951364 (+)


Co-expression Network