pvalb4 (pvalb4,LOC100305042,LOC107724737,LOC107665849,LOC107548706,LOC107565875)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id pvalb4
gene name pvalb4,LOC100305042,LOC107724737,LOC107665849,LOC107548706,LOC107565875
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056701.1
NCBI id CM032070.1
chromosome length 30200998
location 26552880 ~ 26554257 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
pvalb4 Predicted to enable calcium ion binding activity. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm and nucleus. Is expressed in musculature system; myotome; and pectoral fin musculature.


parvalbumin, partial


id name namespace
GO:0005509 calcium ion binding molecular_function



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043235324.1 True 727 mRNA 0.48 5 26552880 26554257


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
pvalb1 pvalb1,LOC107713958,LOC107565876,LOC108279005,LOC107691228,LOC108412819,LOC107665844 coding upstream 1424 26547774 ~ 26551456 (+)
pvalb5 pvalb5,LOC107691230,LOC107724738,LOC107713944,LOC107548707,LOC107666047 coding upstream 6375 26541968 ~ 26546505 (+)
tecpr1b LOC107665885,LOC107724727 coding upstream 37334 26500010 ~ 26515546 (+)
LOC122341701 baiap2l1b,LOC107665916,LOC107548703,LOC107691223,LOC107713954,LOC107724726 coding upstream 61163 26457623 ~ 26491717 (+)
nptx2a nptx2a,LOC107665931,LOC107724745,LOC107713953,LOC107691222 coding upstream 174469 26364279 ~ 26378411 (+)
pvalb8 pvalb8,LOC107724728,LOC107666119,LOC107548708,LOC107691229,LOC107666113,LOC103469263 coding downstream 644 26554901 ~ 26559546 (+)
aimp2 aimp2,LOC107724742,LOC107691232,LOC107665836,LOC107713960,LOC107565874 coding downstream 13878 26568135 ~ 26572744 (+)
cacng4b cacng4b,LOC107691234,LOC107565862,LOC107713946,LOC107548710,LOC107724746,LOC107665825,LOC108412836 coding downstream 23973 26578230 ~ 26590164 (+)
cacng1b cacng1b,cacng1,LOC107666105,LOC107724731,LOC107691235,LOC108412846 coding downstream 42022 26596279 ~ 26606578 (+)
dxo LOC107666098,LOC107743041,LOC107752708,LOC107691245 coding downstream 152543 26706800 ~ 26710818 (+)
G23552 NA non-coding upstream 54913 26492946 ~ 26497967 (+)
G23550 LOC107691223,LOC107724726,LOC107713954,LOC107548703,LOC107665916 non-coding upstream 117032 26428219 ~ 26435848 (+)
G23508 NA non-coding upstream 361038 26179232 ~ 26191842 (+)
G23189 NA non-coding upstream 419050 26131602 ~ 26133830 (+)
G23176 NA non-coding upstream 480191 26059352 ~ 26072689 (+)
G23594 helz,LOC107665819,LOC107691233,LOC107565856 non-coding downstream 91014 26645271 ~ 26646452 (+)
G23659 NA non-coding downstream 168555 26722812 ~ 26723027 (+)
G23664 LOC107548683,LOC107666079,LOC107654573,LOC107752704,LOC107743002 non-coding downstream 174551 26728808 ~ 26729365 (+)
G23692 NA non-coding downstream 270851 26825108 ~ 26834795 (+)
LOC122341893 NA non-coding downstream 275629 26829886 ~ 26834669 (+)
LOC122341778 gid4,LOC107724729,LOC107555661,LOC107713949,LOC107559524,LOC106601817,LOC101065567 other upstream 600133 25948054 ~ 25952747 (+)
LOC122341383 tom1l2 other upstream 641255 25894590 ~ 25911625 (+)
G23146 NA other upstream 702304 25837143 ~ 25850576 (+)
LOC122341783 arl16,LOC107583744 other upstream 718682 25832505 ~ 25834198 (+)
G23121 rsad1,LOC107755174,LOC107690008,LOC107670671 other upstream 890563 25661048 ~ 25662317 (+)
pitpnc1a pitpnc1,LOC107665814,LOC107691236,LOC107752702,LOC107743029,LOC108412868,LOC108274028,LOC107376579,LOC106903613 other downstream 96572 26650829 ~ 26705731 (+)
ubald2 ubald2,LOC107548684 other downstream 204806 26759063 ~ 26772903 (+)
srsf2b srsf2b,srsf2,LOC104923358,LOC107755521,LOC108430244 other downstream 244174 26798431 ~ 26801401 (+)
G23695 NA other downstream 292466 26846723 ~ 26847357 (+)
LOC122335546 NA other downstream 727570 27281827 ~ 27282406 (+)


Co-expression Network