
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G23921
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species grasscarp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CI01000003
NCBI id null
chromosome length 2831192
location 2479087 ~ 2479378 (+)
genome version v1_2015/06_NatureGenetics_grasscarp_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU27007 True 292 lncRNA 0.34 1 2479087 2479378


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
CI01000003_02466819_02469433 NA coding upstream 9456 2466819 ~ 2469631 (+)
CI01000003_02422051_02446833 FAM73A, MIGA1 coding upstream 32250 2422051 ~ 2446837 (+)
CI01000003_02259112_02344710 AK5 coding upstream 134377 2259112 ~ 2344710 (+)
CI01000003_02175343_02190917 ST6GALNAC5, ST6GALNAC5A coding upstream 285767 2174790 ~ 2193320 (+)
CI01000003_02101903_02151773 NA coding upstream 327111 2100815 ~ 2151976 (+)
CI01000003_02510102_02514782 NA coding downstream 30724 2510102 ~ 2514969 (+)
CI01000003_02534151_02541110 NA coding downstream 54773 2534151 ~ 2541444 (+)
CI01000003_02551541_02556812 NA coding downstream 72163 2551541 ~ 2556836 (+)
CI01000003_02781537_02783192 NA coding downstream 302055 2781433 ~ 2783270 (+)
G23913 NA non-coding upstream 17988 2460834 ~ 2461099 (+)
G23898 NA non-coding upstream 22221 2455009 ~ 2456866 (+)
G23893 NA non-coding upstream 24906 2453578 ~ 2454181 (+)
G23871 NA non-coding upstream 188066 2290346 ~ 2291021 (+)
G23789 NA non-coding upstream 271452 2207105 ~ 2207635 (+)
G23925 NA non-coding downstream 11345 2490723 ~ 2491060 (+)
G23927 NA non-coding downstream 21277 2500655 ~ 2500879 (+)
G24032 NA non-coding downstream 84531 2563909 ~ 2564426 (+)
G24058 NA non-coding downstream 135708 2615086 ~ 2615402 (+)
G24083 NA non-coding downstream 176485 2655863 ~ 2656066 (+)
G23870 NA other upstream 193446 2280660 ~ 2285641 (+)
CI01000003_01863421_01867859 NA other upstream 610950 1862854 ~ 1868137 (+)
G22578 NA other upstream 1553839 924803 ~ 925248 (+)
CI01000003_00390997_00406970 WDR33 other upstream 2083873 390622 ~ 408312 (+)
G22420 NA other upstream 2289648 179531 ~ 189439 (+)


G23921 Expression in PRJCA010000

Bar chart with 27 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 3.
End of interactive chart.

G23921 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 35 bars.
G23921 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 300.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network