LOC122342504 (si:dkey-14d8.7,LOC107583991,LOC107658912,LOC107725942,LOC107656269,LOC107710135,LOC107601130,LOC107579872)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC122342504
gene name si:dkey-14d8.7,LOC107583991,LOC107658912,LOC107725942,LOC107656269,LOC107710135,LOC107601130,LOC107579872
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056702.1
NCBI id CM032071.1
chromosome length 29200999
location 1823635 ~ 1825062 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
si:dkey-14d8.7 Predicted to be involved in collagen fibril organization. Predicted to be located in extracellular region.


PREDICTED: hemagglutinin/amebocyte aggregation factor-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043236337.1 True 801 mRNA 0.41 5 1823635 1825062


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
mapk12b mapk12b,LOC107656379,LOC107710136,LOC107579544,LOC108442322,LOC103035956,LOC108279513 coding upstream 885 1818023 ~ 1822750 (+)
mapk11 mapk11,LOC107725929,LOC107656380,LOC107579565,LOC107583972,LOC108442323,LOC103035641 coding upstream 7157 1809292 ~ 1816478 (+)
LOC122343360 NA coding upstream 14935 1805589 ~ 1808700 (+)
LOC122343361 LOC107725905,LOC107658738,LOC107584038 coding upstream 19069 1800486 ~ 1804566 (+)
si:dkey-14d8.21 LOC107725922,LOC107583962 coding upstream 25743 1792307 ~ 1797892 (+)
mrps18a LOC107583989,LOC107710130,LOC107656376,LOC107736677,LOC107581188 coding downstream 71099 1896161 ~ 1898257 (+)
pou3f2a pou3f2a,LOC107726028,LOC107583975,LOC107656268,LOC107579586,LOC107710088,LOC107658894 coding downstream 115680 1940742 ~ 1945597 (+)
ngs LOC107583969,LOC107725974,LOC107658888,LOC107579501,LOC107656267,LOC107710103 coding downstream 135800 1960862 ~ 1965535 (+)
si:ch73-352p4.8 si:ch73-352p4.8,LOC107726064,LOC107710127,LOC107656372,LOC107583968,LOC107658734 coding downstream 148212 1973274 ~ 1979290 (+)
rhno1 LOC107736423,LOC107658898,LOC107583982 coding downstream 160506 1985568 ~ 1987174 (+)
G25030 NA non-coding upstream 34359 1788631 ~ 1789276 (+)
G25071 NA non-coding upstream 130246 1688978 ~ 1693389 (+)
G24968 LOC107583957,LOC107656385,LOC107579307,LOC107711491 non-coding upstream 265857 1556392 ~ 1557778 (+)
G24925 NA non-coding upstream 536562 1286612 ~ 1287073 (+)
LOC122342413 NA non-coding upstream 696255 1112895 ~ 1127380 (+)
G25086 NA non-coding downstream 5616 1830678 ~ 1830968 (+)
LOC122342405 NA non-coding downstream 74834 1899896 ~ 1901886 (+)
G25192 NA non-coding downstream 80768 1905830 ~ 1906106 (+)
G25193 NA non-coding downstream 82138 1907200 ~ 1908927 (+)
LOC122342875 NA non-coding downstream 203734 2028796 ~ 2033049 (+)
LOC122342451 NA other upstream 35539 1784237 ~ 1788096 (+)
LOC122343488 NA other upstream 150676 1670512 ~ 1672959 (+)
LOC122342419 coa6,LOC107726010,LOC107583951,LOC107658937 other upstream 491792 1329452 ~ 1331843 (+)
ndufa5 ndufa5,LOC107725958,LOC107658774,LOC107579922 other upstream 532411 1288297 ~ 1291224 (+)
LOC122342481 LOC107584054,LOC107658775,LOC107725972,LOC107711476,LOC107581286,LOC107656415,LOC107725915 other upstream 574466 1245578 ~ 1249169 (+)
lyrm5a LOC107725960,LOC107578730,LOC107658915,LOC107710125,LOC107583994 other downstream 169178 1994240 ~ 1995536 (+)
ninj2 ninj2,LOC107725989,LOC107584020,LOC107743858,LOC107656339,LOC107658851,LOC107581271 other downstream 1274675 3099737 ~ 3117994 (+)
erc1b erc1,LOC107725987,LOC107656325,LOC107580227,LOC107743718 other downstream 1294453 3119515 ~ 3306758 (+)
G25514 NA other downstream 1656567 3481629 ~ 3502094 (+)
G25551 NA other downstream 1912440 3737502 ~ 3738594 (+)


Co-expression Network