LOC122345425 (rps6ka4,LOC107758164,LOC107698546,LOC107567284,LOC107702937,LOC108427766)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC122345425
gene name rps6ka4,LOC107758164,LOC107698546,LOC107567284,LOC107702937,LOC108427766
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056703.1
NCBI id CM032072.1
chromosome length 32833783
location 26997549 ~ 27001260 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
rps6ka4 Predicted to enable protein serine/threonine kinase activity. Predicted to be involved in histone phosphorylation; peptidyl-serine phosphorylation; and regulation of transcription, DNA-templated. Predicted to act upstream of or within intracellular signal transduction and protein phosphorylation. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Orthologous to human RPS6KA4 (ribosomal protein S6 kinase A4).


PREDICTED: ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-4-like


id name namespace
GO:0035556 intracellular signal transduction biological_process
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation biological_process
GO:0005524 ATP binding molecular_function
GO:0004674 protein serine/threonine kinase activity molecular_function
GO:0000287 magnesium ion binding molecular_function



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043239543.1 True 643 mRNA 0.51 3 26997549 27001260


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
unga ung,unga,LOC107712535,LOC107687060,LOC107560323,LOC107752258,LOC107702903 coding downstream 95875 26897463 ~ 26901674 (-)
LOC122345160 mlxip,LOC107687059,LOC107712534,LOC107560310,LOC107702943 coding downstream 100327 26884570 ~ 26897222 (-)
rsrc2 LOC107740083,LOC107674791,LOC107752237,LOC107702941,LOC107571524 coding downstream 127955 26863405 ~ 26869594 (-)
zcchc8 zcchc8,LOC107674788,LOC107740086,LOC107752243,LOC107560308 coding downstream 137670 26854036 ~ 26859879 (-)
clip1a clip1,clip1a,LOC107567280 coding downstream 145701 26821298 ~ 26851848 (-)
LOC122345427 LOC107721568,LOC107697698,LOC107711701,LOC107654838,LOC108438743 coding upstream 387 27001647 ~ 27014498 (-)
LOC122345424 klhl34,LOC107586735,LOC107671349,LOC107705277,LOC107721877,LOC107663667,LOC107590345 coding upstream 94120 27095380 ~ 27099719 (-)
LOC122344788 LOC107548517,LOC107662059 coding upstream 167005 27168265 ~ 27172894 (-)
spaw LOC107548501,LOC107662086,LOC107740019 coding upstream 275787 27277047 ~ 27280391 (-)
usp39 usp39,LOC107662055,LOC107739996,LOC107702962,LOC107722749 coding upstream 286912 27288172 ~ 27293486 (-)
G39712 NA non-coding downstream 114374 26876590 ~ 26883175 (-)
LOC122344941 NA non-coding downstream 623727 26372619 ~ 26373822 (-)
G39585 NA non-coding downstream 843846 26153465 ~ 26153703 (-)
G39579 NA non-coding downstream 878466 26118474 ~ 26119083 (-)
G39574 NA non-coding downstream 1213958 25782979 ~ 25783591 (-)
G39738 LOC107705276,LOC107586737,LOC107671348,LOC107663665,LOC107721875 non-coding upstream 80741 27082001 ~ 27084786 (-)
LOC122344810 LOC107662059,LOC107548517 non-coding upstream 114707 27115967 ~ 27146962 (-)
LOC122344809 LOC107671984 non-coding upstream 125869 27127129 ~ 27128456 (-)
LOC122344808 LOC107671984 non-coding upstream 139155 27140415 ~ 27142658 (-)
G39857 NA non-coding upstream 187590 27188850 ~ 27189222 (-)
LOC122344921 NA other downstream 1428863 25561974 ~ 25568686 (-)
G39413 LOC102215562 other downstream 1715263 25281886 ~ 25282286 (-)
LOC122345923 NA other downstream 2238881 24754202 ~ 24758668 (-)
naa38 naa38 other downstream 2248939 24746672 ~ 24748610 (-)
anapc2 anapc2,LOC107559737,LOC107730340,LOC107746468,LOC107683706,LOC107595991,LOC107684355 other downstream 2403433 24587724 ~ 24594116 (-)
LOC122345426 smpx,LOC107705278,LOC107671350,LOC107590224,LOC107663668,LOC107586736,LOC107721880 other upstream 98555 27099815 ~ 27107385 (-)
isca1 isca1,LOC107702919,LOC107662049 other upstream 381661 27382921 ~ 27398741 (-)
LOC122344874 NA other upstream 884781 27886041 ~ 27895454 (-)
G40080 pappaa,pappa,LOC107556005,LOC107558864,LOC107739977,LOC107675511,LOC107728218 other upstream 1254568 28255828 ~ 28264704 (-)
LOC122345120 LOC107728794,LOC107696375,LOC107590009,LOC107739482 other upstream 2322722 29323982 ~ 29326115 (-)


Co-expression Network