G46412 (sec23b,LOC107678217,LOC107752097,LOC107581388,LOC107551934,LOC107753900)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G46412
gene name sec23b,LOC107678217,LOC107752097,LOC107581388,LOC107551934,LOC107753900
gene type non-coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056704.1
NCBI id CM032073.1
chromosome length 27473687
location 18603991 ~ 18686824 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
sec23b Predicted to enable GTPase activator activity. Acts upstream of or within cartilage development; embryonic neurocranium morphogenesis; and erythrocyte development. Predicted to be located in cytoplasmic vesicle; cytosol; and endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Predicted to be part of COPII vesicle coat. Predicted to be active in endoplasmic reticulum exit site. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in Cowden syndrome and congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II. Orthologous to human SEC23B (SEC23 homolog B, COPII coat complex component).


protein transport protein Sec23B isoform X1




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU68733 True 274 lncRNA 0.53 2 18603991 18686824


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
gabra5 gabra5,LOC107711088,LOC107673539,LOC107585151,LOC107685289,LOC107582724 coding downstream 115117 18458127 ~ 18488874 (-)
LOC122346396 gabrg3 coding downstream 148204 18363838 ~ 18455787 (-)
nipa1 nipa1,LOC107716965 coding downstream 396357 18205651 ~ 18207634 (-)
nipa2 nipa2,LOC107673599,LOC107716965,LOC107685294,LOC107582725 coding downstream 398757 18198983 ~ 18205234 (-)
LOC122346611 fndc9,LOC107673533,LOC107585156,LOC107711090,LOC107716964,LOC107580334,LOC107685295 coding downstream 412468 18187428 ~ 18191523 (-)
LOC122346546 dtd1,LOC107752123,LOC107678219,LOC107660112,LOC107753913,LOC107551933 coding upstream 16030 18702854 ~ 18705732 (-)
LOC122346645 LOC106676354,LOC106674584,LOC106676400 coding upstream 56241 18743065 ~ 18744116 (-)
LOC122347578 LOC107678224,LOC107752100,LOC107581387 coding upstream 76421 18763245 ~ 18765483 (-)
LOC122346582 LOC107584426,LOC107673614,LOC107712092 coding upstream 299226 18986050 ~ 18988440 (-)
cnga3a LOC107585144,LOC107711084,LOC107673541,LOC107685324,LOC107733584 coding upstream 384581 19071405 ~ 19078891 (-)
G46172 NA non-coding downstream 244010 18359679 ~ 18359981 (-)
G46160 NA non-coding downstream 270725 18332843 ~ 18333266 (-)
G46140 NA non-coding downstream 353356 18249934 ~ 18250635 (-)
G46092 NA non-coding downstream 486409 18117356 ~ 18117582 (-)
G46074 NA non-coding downstream 506501 18097068 ~ 18097490 (-)
G46432 LOC107752101,LOC107678225,LOC107581302,LOC107551936,LOC107753899,LOC107672678 non-coding upstream 74760 18761584 ~ 18762435 (-)
G46439 NA non-coding upstream 170888 18857712 ~ 18858471 (-)
G46444 NA non-coding upstream 196028 18882852 ~ 18886400 (-)
G46463 p4htm,LOC107673589,LOC107712096,LOC107584428,LOC107721183,LOC107667396 non-coding upstream 283346 18970170 ~ 18972370 (-)
G46476 NA non-coding upstream 356792 19043616 ~ 19043869 (-)
opa1 opa1,LOC107585173,LOC107711112,LOC107582739,LOC107673572,LOC107722677 other downstream 829884 17743715 ~ 17774107 (-)
brinp3a.2 brinp3a.2,LOC107711116,LOC107585215,LOC107732449,LOC107667973,LOC107685312 other downstream 1189852 17382327 ~ 17414139 (-)
G45910 NA other downstream 1295513 17307815 ~ 17308478 (-)
LOC122347244 nos1apb,LOC107715504,LOC107560777,LOC107701337,LOC107593855 other downstream 1357605 17235790 ~ 17246386 (-)
G45895 NA other downstream 1416673 17186689 ~ 17187318 (-)
LOC122347235 NA other upstream 19799 18706623 ~ 18707596 (-)
G46423 sec23b,LOC107753900,LOC107752097,LOC107551934,LOC107659946 other upstream 27350 18714174 ~ 18717488 (-)
G46478 NA other upstream 368322 19055146 ~ 19056131 (-)
vdrb vdrb,LOC107585146,LOC107673565,LOC107711077,LOC107582718,LOC107667372,LOC107733590 other upstream 428237 19115061 ~ 19149731 (-)
tsfm tsfm,LOC107711018,LOC107585120 other upstream 866493 19553317 ~ 19555942 (-)


Co-expression Network