ccdc174 (ccdc174,LOC107673461,LOC107711012,LOC107585200,LOC107667317,LOC107582683,LOC107748410)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id ccdc174
gene name ccdc174,LOC107673461,LOC107711012,LOC107585200,LOC107667317,LOC107582683,LOC107748410
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056704.1
NCBI id CM032073.1
chromosome length 27473687
location 19780907 ~ 19784606 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
ccdc174 Predicted to be active in nucleus. Orthologous to human CCDC174 (coiled-coil domain containing 174).


unnamed protein product



id description
K25178 CCDC174; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 174


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043242334.1 True 1761 mRNA 0.43 11 19780907 19784606


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
si:dkey-28n18.9 LOC107711013,LOC107585201,LOC107673478,LOC107582684,LOC107748409,LOC107667326 coding downstream 152 19776312 ~ 19780755 (-)
ttll3 ttll3,LOC107711014,LOC107673469,LOC107585175,LOC107748395,LOC107667364,LOC107582793 coding downstream 33456 19740237 ~ 19747451 (-)
col7a1 col7a1 coding downstream 44410 19677759 ~ 19736497 (-)
LOC122346467 LOC107711040,LOC107585110,LOC107748417,LOC107582687,LOC107667408,LOC107673450,LOC100332423 coding downstream 104827 19668868 ~ 19676080 (-)
trnaf-gaa NA coding downstream 114401 19666434 ~ 19666506 (-)
tatdn2 LOC107673616,LOC107585107,LOC107711037 coding upstream 1818 19786424 ~ 19791450 (-)
vhl LOC107711035,LOC107673464,LOC107585106,LOC107667384,LOC107748400,LOC107582681 coding upstream 8144 19792750 ~ 19794626 (-)
crbn crbn,LOC107711034,LOC107748399 coding upstream 10497 19795103 ~ 19800569 (-)
ppil1 ppil1,LOC107673584,LOC107667353 coding upstream 89367 19873973 ~ 19875768 (-)
LOC122347195 LOC107584484,LOC107673448,LOC107712069,LOC107721173 coding upstream 121245 19905851 ~ 19908068 (-)
LOC122347383 LOC107711016,LOC107673510 non-coding downstream 173851 19606362 ~ 19607056 (-)
G46540 mettl7a,LOC107711020,LOC107585130,LOC107740572,LOC107667380,LOC107673452,LOC107711000,LOC107582798 non-coding downstream 383177 19393477 ~ 19397730 (-)
G46509 NA non-coding downstream 538096 19212639 ~ 19242811 (-)
LOC122347223 NA non-coding downstream 629213 19149746 ~ 19151694 (-)
G46477 LOC107673579,LOC107711085,LOC107585184,LOC107733604,LOC107685287,LOC107579827 non-coding downstream 732071 19044628 ~ 19048836 (-)
G46658 NA non-coding upstream 7036 19791642 ~ 19792328 (-)
G46647 LOC107585105,LOC107711036,LOC107673557 non-coding upstream 16637 19801243 ~ 19802266 (-)
G46673 LOC107712079,LOC107584413,LOC107673502,LOC107667352,LOC107721177,LOC107578835 non-coding upstream 49464 19834070 ~ 19838047 (-)
LOC122347207 NA non-coding upstream 92706 19877312 ~ 19880588 (-)
G46803 NA non-coding upstream 183640 19968246 ~ 19968460 (-)
tsfm tsfm,LOC107711018,LOC107585120 other downstream 224965 19553317 ~ 19555942 (-)
vdrb vdrb,LOC107585146,LOC107673565,LOC107711077,LOC107582718,LOC107667372,LOC107733590 other downstream 631176 19115061 ~ 19149731 (-)
G46478 NA other downstream 724776 19055146 ~ 19056131 (-)
G46423 sec23b,LOC107753900,LOC107752097,LOC107551934,LOC107659946 other downstream 1063419 18714174 ~ 18717488 (-)
LOC122347235 NA other downstream 1073311 18706623 ~ 18707596 (-)
tomm6 NA other upstream 56873 19841479 ~ 19842994 (-)
tspo tspo,LOC107721166,LOC107568174,LOC107584504,LOC107667354,LOC107673503 other upstream 58438 19843044 ~ 19847432 (-)
LOC122347177 LOC107584418 other upstream 115066 19899672 ~ 19956730 (-)
mustn1a mustn1a other upstream 214026 19998632 ~ 20000638 (-)
srsf3a LOC107712108,LOC107584442,LOC107673487,LOC107721197,LOC107667402 other upstream 311418 20096024 ~ 20102459 (-)


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