G39952 (spoplb,LOC108412981,LOC103032629,LOC108270802,LOC107715774,LOC107718234,LOC107573035,LOC107551807)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G39952
gene name spoplb,LOC108412981,LOC103032629,LOC108270802,LOC107715774,LOC107718234,LOC107573035,LOC107551807
gene type non-coding
species mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_035901.1
NCBI id CM008304.1
chromosome length 40584741
location 2414772 ~ 2419056 (+)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome




symbol description
spoplb Predicted to enable ubiquitin protein ligase binding activity. Predicted to be involved in negative regulation of protein ubiquitination; proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; and regulation of proteolysis. Predicted to be part of Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm and nucleus. Orthologous to human SPOPL (speckle type BTB/POZ protein like).


PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: speckle-type POZ protein-like B




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU53913 True 896 lncRNA 0.50 7 2414772 2419056


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC103032316 LOC108412978 coding upstream 8384 2392115 ~ 2406388 (+)
LOC103031990 NA coding upstream 26684 2382053 ~ 2388088 (+)
LOC111192498 lrp4 coding upstream 179014 2118643 ~ 2235758 (+)
mapk8ip1 mapk8ip1 coding upstream 466350 1882803 ~ 1948422 (+)
slc35c1 slc35c1 coding upstream 542842 1865392 ~ 1871930 (+)
kiaa1024 kiaa1024,si:cabz01029535.1,LOC107662343,LOC107742309,LOC107692337,LOC107719677 coding downstream 381962 2801018 ~ 2861383 (+)
zfand6 NA coding downstream 567309 2986365 ~ 3006325 (+)
fah fah,LOC107662319,LOC107691923,LOC107742310 coding downstream 589278 3008334 ~ 3042100 (+)
arnt2 arnt2 coding downstream 703536 3122592 ~ 3277613 (+)
cemip cemip,LOC107591290,LOC107691638,LOC107662322,LOC107553744 coding downstream 1010426 3429482 ~ 3645688 (+)
G39946 NA non-coding upstream 23210 2389916 ~ 2391562 (+)
G39945 NA non-coding upstream 24133 2389038 ~ 2390639 (+)
G39942 NA non-coding upstream 36950 2377506 ~ 2377822 (+)
G39930 NA non-coding upstream 198109 2215968 ~ 2216663 (+)
G39929 NA non-coding upstream 209814 2204523 ~ 2204958 (+)
G39943 NA non-coding downstream 94 2419150 ~ 2425105 (+)
G39965 NA non-coding downstream 79813 2498869 ~ 2499291 (+)
LOC111192560 NA non-coding downstream 373478 2792534 ~ 2793815 (+)
G40014 NA non-coding downstream 388094 2807150 ~ 2810533 (+)
G40018 NA non-coding downstream 413649 2832705 ~ 2835026 (+)
muc2 LOC108439647 other upstream 619840 1761227 ~ 1794932 (+)
polr2l NA other upstream 987655 1420391 ~ 1427117 (+)
LOC111192494 NA other upstream 1000973 1410430 ~ 1413799 (+)
LOC111192492 NA other upstream 1146387 1265857 ~ 1268385 (+)
G39626 NA other upstream 1194286 1219806 ~ 1220486 (+)
LOC103029230 adamts17,LOC107662259,LOC107553817,LOC107742308,LOC107719674,LOC107563246 other downstream 178636 2597692 ~ 2811496 (+)
LOC103025846 abhd17c,LOC107591289,LOC107737205,LOC107662262,LOC107691706 other downstream 963586 3382642 ~ 3401938 (+)
tlnrd1 mesdc1,LOC107591291,LOC107691577,LOC107709503,LOC107553753,LOC107662264 other downstream 1242619 3661675 ~ 3683184 (+)
LOC103044341 nlgn1,LOC107564928 other downstream 1418451 3837507 ~ 3856474 (+)
G40318 NA other downstream 1715454 4134510 ~ 4135585 (+)


Co-expression Network