G12397 (ppp2r1b,LOC108277698,LOC108436518,LOC104965971,LOC101167061,LOC103378498,LOC108243526)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G12397
gene name ppp2r1b,LOC108277698,LOC108436518,LOC104965971,LOC101167061,LOC103378498,LOC108243526
gene type non-coding
species mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_035898.1
NCBI id CM008301.1
chromosome length 34292151
location 21574958 ~ 21578572 (-)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome




symbol description
ppp2r1b Predicted to enable protein phosphatase regulator activity. Involved in apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis and positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand. Located in membrane raft.


PREDICTED: serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 65 kDa regulatory subunit A beta isoform-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU16660 True 560 lncRNA 0.31 4 21574958 21578572


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC103034230 NA coding downstream 44213 21518007 ~ 21530745 (-)
LOC103030662 LOC108436499 coding downstream 63752 21496598 ~ 21511206 (-)
LOC103030984 NA coding downstream 83836 21483571 ~ 21491122 (-)
sdhd sdhd,LOC107709126,LOC107657257,LOC107670952,LOC107601715,LOC107717284 coding downstream 92554 21474412 ~ 21482404 (-)
bco2 LOC108436497 coding downstream 109526 21457131 ~ 21465432 (-)
LOC103031934 sik2,sik2b,LOC108436519,LOC107657230,LOC107717286,LOC107709128,LOC107586235,LOC108277697,LOC107601680 coding upstream 31582 21610154 ~ 21699039 (-)
LOC107197401 NA coding upstream 127641 21706213 ~ 21720284 (-)
LOC103032573 NA coding upstream 168848 21747420 ~ 21752895 (-)
LOC103036974 drd2,LOC107670954,LOC107586233,LOC107709110 coding upstream 405862 21984434 ~ 22058836 (-)
scn3b NA coding upstream 563198 22141770 ~ 22164569 (-)
G12405 NA non-coding downstream 4726 21569958 ~ 21570232 (-)
G12400 NA non-coding downstream 36678 21532480 ~ 21538280 (-)
LOC111193576 NA non-coding downstream 258253 21312672 ~ 21316705 (-)
G12203 NA non-coding downstream 613199 20960778 ~ 20961759 (-)
G12131 zbtb16,LOC108435307,LOC105903797,LOC108278332,LOC107748597 non-coding downstream 645741 20840206 ~ 20929217 (-)
G12396 NA non-coding upstream 2990 21581562 ~ 21599012 (-)
G12739 NA non-coding upstream 106640 21685212 ~ 21688855 (-)
G12740 NA non-coding upstream 115798 21694370 ~ 21694794 (-)
G12736 NA non-coding upstream 125687 21704259 ~ 21705848 (-)
G12746 NA non-coding upstream 176099 21754671 ~ 21755463 (-)
trnak-cuu NA other downstream 599804 20975082 ~ 20975154 (-)
G11917 NA other downstream 1492516 19998440 ~ 20082442 (-)
jam3 jam3,jam3a,LOC107699899,LOC107597526,LOC107662760,LOC107713445 other downstream 1772635 19785981 ~ 19802323 (-)
LOC103042450 dyrk1a,LOC107662773,LOC107586271,LOC107726100,LOC108435291,LOC107597536,LOC107729114 other downstream 2301104 19241756 ~ 19273854 (-)
G11719 med13,LOC108435287,LOC107586266,LOC107726096,LOC107597541 other downstream 2463386 19108713 ~ 19111572 (-)
G12767 NA other upstream 415235 21993807 ~ 21994751 (-)
LOC111193708 NA other upstream 1960685 23539257 ~ 23553970 (-)
LOC103035686 kmt2a other upstream 2205899 23784471 ~ 23853298 (-)
G13322 phykpl,LOC108439974,LOC108277665,LOC107585546,LOC107743705,LOC107683819 other upstream 2325611 23904183 ~ 23908771 (-)
spcs2 spcs2,LOC107677086 other upstream 3472388 25050960 ~ 25056101 (-)


Co-expression Network