G12857 (oaf,LOC107709135,LOC107586231,LOC107717291,LOC107657251,LOC107601720)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G12857
gene name oaf,LOC107709135,LOC107586231,LOC107717291,LOC107657251,LOC107601720
gene type non-coding
species mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_035898.1
NCBI id CM008301.1
chromosome length 34292151
location 22514524 ~ 22525772 (-)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome




symbol description
oaf Orthologous to human OAF (out at first homolog).


PREDICTED: out at first protein homolog




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU17289 True 1129 lncRNA 0.56 2 22514524 22525772


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC111194286 LOC108277598 coding downstream 231422 22269223 ~ 22283102 (-)
LOC111194282 LOC108277600 coding downstream 245296 22258919 ~ 22269228 (-)
LOC103037608 LOC108277452 coding downstream 267065 22205062 ~ 22247459 (-)
LOC103032877 NA coding downstream 322987 22179416 ~ 22191537 (-)
scn3b NA coding downstream 349955 22141770 ~ 22164569 (-)
LOC103035063 NA coding upstream 1124645 23650417 ~ 23724768 (-)
c1qtnf5 c1qtnf5 coding upstream 1241255 23767027 ~ 23775316 (-)
ube4a ube4a,LOC107718272,LOC107690452 coding upstream 1333981 23859753 ~ 23895075 (-)
LOC103036322 LOC108439975 coding upstream 1383639 23909411 ~ 23927376 (-)
nlrx1 nlrx1 coding upstream 1403043 23928815 ~ 23947378 (-)
G12849 NA non-coding downstream 43623 22469375 ~ 22470901 (-)
G12834 LOC108436505,LOC108278373,LOC107586299,LOC107696005,LOC107709103 non-coding downstream 149354 22355844 ~ 22365170 (-)
G12803 NA non-coding downstream 279662 22141079 ~ 22234862 (-)
G12813 NA non-coding downstream 283668 22221199 ~ 22230856 (-)
G12743 NA non-coding downstream 374686 22133357 ~ 22139838 (-)
G12860 tmem136,LOC108436527 non-coding upstream 2908 22528680 ~ 22531101 (-)
G12871 NA non-coding upstream 78586 22604358 ~ 22612021 (-)
G12879 NA non-coding upstream 118900 22644672 ~ 22645561 (-)
G12881 NA non-coding upstream 242827 22768599 ~ 22768941 (-)
G12889 NA non-coding upstream 360874 22886646 ~ 22886928 (-)
G12767 NA other downstream 519773 21993807 ~ 21994751 (-)
trnak-cuu NA other downstream 1539370 20975082 ~ 20975154 (-)
G11917 NA other downstream 2432082 19998440 ~ 20082442 (-)
jam3 jam3,jam3a,LOC107699899,LOC107597526,LOC107662760,LOC107713445 other downstream 2712201 19785981 ~ 19802323 (-)
LOC103042450 dyrk1a,LOC107662773,LOC107586271,LOC107726100,LOC108435291,LOC107597536,LOC107729114 other downstream 3240670 19241756 ~ 19273854 (-)
LOC111193708 NA other upstream 1013485 23539257 ~ 23553970 (-)
LOC103035686 kmt2a other upstream 1258699 23784471 ~ 23853298 (-)
G13322 phykpl,LOC108439974,LOC108277665,LOC107585546,LOC107743705,LOC107683819 other upstream 1378411 23904183 ~ 23908771 (-)
spcs2 spcs2,LOC107677086 other upstream 2525188 25050960 ~ 25056101 (-)
G13630 atp1b3b,LOC108277440,LOC107680094,LOC107704304,LOC107720962,LOC108426936,LOC107563006 other upstream 2947962 25473734 ~ 25496958 (-)


Co-expression Network


species gene id symbol gene type chromosome NCBI id location
bowfin (Amia calva) G8769 NA non-coding CM030121.1 CM030121.1 52116880 ~ 52163082 (-)