LOC103028443 (crybgx,LOC103028443,LOC105906490,LOC103368872,LOC108259467,LOC102304589,LOC102204928)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC103028443
gene name crybgx,LOC103028443,LOC105906490,LOC103368872,LOC108259467,LOC102304589,LOC102204928
gene type coding
species mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NW_019172830.1
NCBI id APWO02000048.1
chromosome length 5891159
location 5198798 ~ 5205566 (+)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome




symbol description
crybgx Predicted to be a structural constituent of eye lens. Predicted to be involved in lens development in camera-type eye and visual perception. Is expressed in lens.


gamma-crystallin N-A-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
NM_001320206.1 True 961 mRNA 0.53 7 5198798 5205566


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
dis3l dis3l,LOC107740444,LOC107663953,LOC107664394,LOC107755103 coding upstream 31500 5146969 ~ 5167298 (+)
muc15 NA coding upstream 53914 5131893 ~ 5144884 (+)
LOC103030650 nr1h3,LOC107689968,LOC107664377,LOC107755109 coding upstream 304111 4862196 ~ 4894687 (+)
tshz3 tshz3,tshz3b,LOC108429148,LOC107570485,LOC107556246,LOC107696607 coding upstream 1453672 3657859 ~ 3745126 (+)
LOC103044644 NA coding upstream 3617862 1579110 ~ 1580936 (+)
LOC103027811 smad3,smad3a,LOC108430827,LOC103353199,LOC107740443,LOC107553101 coding downstream 121951 5327517 ~ 5373340 (+)
map2k5 map2k5 coding downstream 235974 5441540 ~ 5533366 (+)
LOC103026906 pias1a,pias1b,LOC108430823,LOC108259600,LOC107553093 coding downstream 358693 5564259 ~ 5652806 (+)
LOC103026610 LOC103026610,LOC108430825 coding downstream 454032 5659598 ~ 5660875 (+)
LOC103042267 LOC108430822 coding downstream 484220 5689786 ~ 5814523 (+)
G299896 NA non-coding upstream 131176 5066097 ~ 5067622 (+)
G299886 NA non-coding upstream 227125 4971063 ~ 4971673 (+)
G299885 NA non-coding upstream 277823 4919101 ~ 4920975 (+)
G299872 NA non-coding upstream 298514 4818755 ~ 4900284 (+)
G299863 NA non-coding upstream 519967 4678508 ~ 4678831 (+)
G299912 NA non-coding downstream 5156 5210722 ~ 5248094 (+)
G299918 NA non-coding downstream 43652 5249218 ~ 5249612 (+)
LOC111191167 NA non-coding downstream 45456 5251022 ~ 5251412 (+)
G299925 NA non-coding downstream 165384 5370950 ~ 5378087 (+)
G299934 NA non-coding downstream 270494 5476060 ~ 5508588 (+)
G299903 NA other upstream 28690 5168626 ~ 5170108 (+)
madd madd,LOC107755105 other upstream 171377 4902634 ~ 5027421 (+)
LOC103025330 si:ch211-186j3.6,LOC108442966,LOC108259100,LOC106562040,LOC105022727,LOC107696606,LOC107572394,LOC107712488,LOC107680491,LOC107565684 other upstream 2270936 2398717 ~ 2927862 (+)
G299477 NA other upstream 2994543 2187333 ~ 2204255 (+)
LOC103047296 NA other upstream 3631720 1562838 ~ 1567078 (+)
LOC111191166 NA other downstream 48008 5253574 ~ 5256311 (+)
LOC111191164 NA other downstream 338246 5543812 ~ 5548569 (+)
LOC111191158 skor1a,LOC108430798,LOC108259147,LOC107563488,LOC107663943,LOC107553092 other downstream 345527 5551093 ~ 5556428 (+)


Co-expression Network