
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G52655
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_035902.1
NCBI id CM008305.1
chromosome length 52532229
location 16622749 ~ 16677399 (-)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU71005 True 1255 lncRNA 0.35 2 16622749 16677399


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC103032046 NA coding downstream 248408 16363613 ~ 16374341 (-)
shbg NA coding downstream 463033 16140670 ~ 16159716 (-)
neurl4 neurl4 coding downstream 493373 16086166 ~ 16129376 (-)
LOC103030780 LOC108430129 coding downstream 587653 15980633 ~ 16035096 (-)
LOC103030471 nsfb,LOC108430134,LOC108273757,LOC107665886,LOC107657277 coding downstream 649741 15919470 ~ 15973008 (-)
LOC103024300 mkx,LOC108274364,LOC107665863,LOC107738971,LOC107549415,LOC107584376 coding upstream 144848 16822247 ~ 16928239 (-)
LOC103037795 mpp7,mpp7a,LOC107657298,LOC107665879 coding upstream 512416 17189815 ~ 17464293 (-)
LOC111192622 NA coding upstream 790652 17468051 ~ 17476591 (-)
LOC103035515 NA coding upstream 971052 17648451 ~ 17665261 (-)
LOC103035822 NA coding upstream 991265 17668664 ~ 17669725 (-)
G52565 mfsd8 non-coding downstream 219784 16398198 ~ 16402965 (-)
G52560 NA non-coding downstream 243891 16376999 ~ 16378858 (-)
G52559 NA non-coding downstream 246064 16375147 ~ 16376685 (-)
G52538 NA non-coding downstream 282782 16292416 ~ 16339967 (-)
G52662 NA non-coding upstream 688 16678087 ~ 16765190 (-)
G52673 NA non-coding upstream 75102 16752501 ~ 16753583 (-)
G52676 NA non-coding upstream 81819 16759218 ~ 16760425 (-)
G52685 NA non-coding upstream 152543 16829942 ~ 16832519 (-)
G52698 NA non-coding upstream 202542 16879941 ~ 16907253 (-)
G52652 NA other downstream 32966 16588150 ~ 16589783 (-)
zcchc4 NA other downstream 195136 16406719 ~ 16427613 (-)
LOC111192725 NA other downstream 265789 16343756 ~ 16356960 (-)
G52503 polr2a other downstream 395575 16226236 ~ 16227174 (-)
G52493 NA other downstream 437437 16182735 ~ 16185312 (-)
G53164 NA other upstream 1909002 18586401 ~ 18667287 (-)
LOC103025665 glud1b,LOC108430434,LOC107698813,LOC107700126,LOC107739271,LOC107550058,LOC107749346 other upstream 2845303 19522702 ~ 19570378 (-)
G53382 NA other upstream 3172551 19849950 ~ 19850350 (-)
G53562 LOC107396020,LOC107670363,LOC105896953,LOC102778633 other upstream 3944170 20621569 ~ 20690422 (-)
G53598 msh2,LOC107728724,LOC107673650,LOC107582784,LOC107550043,LOC107749362,LOC107698830 other upstream 4106339 20783738 ~ 20787618 (-)


G52655 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 16 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 20.
End of interactive chart.

G52655 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 7 bars.
G52655 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 125.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network