RNA id: TU66677

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU66677
length 234
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.36
exon number 1
gene id G45058
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056704.1
NCBI id CM032073.1
chromosome length 27473687
location 13837305 ~ 13837538 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome
species tiger barb
(Puntius tetrazona)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
XR_006251212.1 lncRNA downstream 1714 13823672 ~ 13835591 (-) False LOC122347350
XR_006251213.1 lncRNA downstream 1714 13823672 ~ 13835591 (-) False LOC122347350
XR_006251214.1 lncRNA downstream 1714 13823672 ~ 13835591 (-) True LOC122347350
TU66661 lncRNA downstream 114774 13718202 ~ 13722531 (-) False pex5la
TU66652 lncRNA downstream 139594 13697499 ~ 13697711 (-) True G45039
TU66688 lncRNA upstream 5196 13842734 ~ 13848641 (-) True G45064
TU66683 lncRNA upstream 5467 13843005 ~ 13848641 (-) False G45064
TU66684 lncRNA upstream 5467 13843005 ~ 13848641 (-) False G45064
TU66685 lncRNA upstream 5467 13843005 ~ 13848641 (-) False G45064
TU66686 lncRNA upstream 5467 13843005 ~ 13848641 (-) False G45064
XM_043241824.1 mRNA downstream 51402 13722309 ~ 13785903 (-) False pex5la
XM_043241826.1 mRNA downstream 51404 13722309 ~ 13785901 (-) False pex5la
XM_043241825.1 mRNA downstream 51404 13722309 ~ 13785901 (-) False pex5la
XM_043241823.1 mRNA downstream 51404 13722309 ~ 13785901 (-) True pex5la
XM_043241827.1 mRNA downstream 51405 13722309 ~ 13785900 (-) False pex5la
XM_043242271.1 mRNA upstream 148509 13986047 ~ 14040163 (-) True lrrc7
XM_043241204.1 mRNA upstream 289036 14126574 ~ 14128317 (-) True cldn33b
XM_043242836.1 mRNA upstream 342334 14179872 ~ 14190329 (-) True lurap1
XM_043242907.1 mRNA upstream 360154 14197692 ~ 14200743 (-) True ttc4
XM_043241459.1 mRNA upstream 447959 14285497 ~ 14402960 (-) True pde4ba
TU66636 other downstream 156031 13668528 ~ 13681274 (-) False tmem131
unassigned_transcript_1263 other downstream 369366 13467868 ~ 13467939 (-) True trnaa-cgc_55
unassigned_transcript_1262 other downstream 369740 13467494 ~ 13467565 (-) True trnaa-ugc_115
unassigned_transcript_1261 other downstream 370079 13467155 ~ 13467226 (-) True trnaa-ugc_114
unassigned_transcript_1260 other downstream 370248 13466986 ~ 13467057 (-) True trnaa-cgc_54
TU66983 other upstream 322937 14160475 ~ 14193166 (-) True G45257
TU67455 other upstream 1491429 15328967 ~ 15330817 (-) False LOC122347580
TU67521 other upstream 1766372 15603910 ~ 15605470 (-) True G45606
TU67688 other upstream 2221430 16058968 ~ 16059767 (-) True G45730
TU67689 other upstream 2222355 16059893 ~ 16060466 (-) True G45731

Expression Profile

TU66677 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 10 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 3.
End of interactive chart.

TU66677 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 2 bars.
TU66677 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.