RNA id: TU53157

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU53157
length 272
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.51
exon number 1
gene id G39457
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_035901.1
NCBI id CM008304.1
chromosome length 40584741
location 547081 ~ 547352 (+)
genome version Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0_2017_mexican_tetra_Genome
species mexican tetra
(Astyanax mexicanus)





id name namespace
GO:0010035 response to inorganic substance biological_process
GO:0010038 response to metal ion biological_process




RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU53152 lncRNA upstream 7253 539498 ~ 539828 (+) True G39452
TU53053 lncRNA upstream 8749 537105 ~ 538332 (+) True G39372
TU53054 lncRNA upstream 8749 537284 ~ 538332 (+) False G39372
TU53052 lncRNA upstream 9102 537284 ~ 537979 (+) False G39372
TU53025 lncRNA upstream 134893 411135 ~ 412188 (+) True G39349
TU53159 lncRNA downstream 257 547609 ~ 547813 (+) True G39459
XR_002649914.1 lncRNA downstream 54504 601856 ~ 603927 (+) True LOC111192489
TU53215 lncRNA downstream 165481 712833 ~ 715218 (+) True G39504
TU53217 lncRNA downstream 198216 745568 ~ 749938 (+) True G39506
TU53218 lncRNA downstream 198216 745568 ~ 750620 (+) False G39506
XM_022669471.1 mRNA upstream 13454 479272 ~ 533627 (+) True cp
XM_007234270.3 mRNA upstream 75877 461480 ~ 471204 (+) True LOC103032607
XM_022669469.1 mRNA upstream 99766 417368 ~ 447315 (+) True LOC103032290
XM_015601581.2 mRNA upstream 99766 417385 ~ 447315 (+) False LOC103032290
XM_022669467.1 mRNA upstream 168582 297269 ~ 378499 (+) False wwtr1
XM_022669472.1 mRNA downstream 70805 618157 ~ 637895 (+) True LOC103036425
XM_007239785.3 mRNA downstream 70806 618158 ~ 637895 (+) False LOC103036425
XM_007239783.3 mRNA downstream 124529 671881 ~ 681622 (+) False immp1l
XM_007239784.2 mRNA downstream 124721 672073 ~ 681622 (+) False immp1l
XM_022669474.1 mRNA downstream 128397 675749 ~ 681622 (+) True immp1l
XR_002649913.1 other upstream 256059 281585 ~ 291022 (+) False commd2
XR_455709.3 other downstream 375405 922757 ~ 963284 (+) False plekho2
TU53369 other downstream 659435 1206787 ~ 1209096 (+) True G39619
TU53383 other downstream 672454 1219806 ~ 1220486 (+) True G39626
TU53498 other downstream 863094 1410446 ~ 1413799 (+) False LOC111192494
TU53707 other downstream 1232339 1779691 ~ 1782660 (+) False muc2

Expression Profile