RNA id: TU29632

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU29632
length 545
GC content 0.40
exon number 3
gene id G26245
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CI01000004
NCBI id null
chromosome length 17451736
location 3509017 ~ 3522393 (+)
genome version v1_2015/06_NatureGenetics_grasscarp_Genome
species grasscarp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU29468 lncRNA upstream 77482 3408543 ~ 3408815 (+) True G26107
TU29581 lncRNA upstream 198986 3309796 ~ 3310031 (+) True G26199
TU29562 lncRNA upstream 221037 3287606 ~ 3287980 (+) True G26187
TU29561 lncRNA upstream 222855 3285826 ~ 3286162 (+) True G26186
TU29560 lncRNA upstream 225853 3282904 ~ 3283164 (+) True G26185
TU29705 lncRNA downstream 60151 3582544 ~ 3582765 (+) True G26317
TU29664 lncRNA downstream 63392 3585785 ~ 3586457 (+) True G26276
TU29617 lncRNA downstream 64442 3586835 ~ 3589187 (+) True G26233
TU29737 lncRNA downstream 133420 3655813 ~ 3656027 (+) True G26349
TU29742 lncRNA downstream 144539 3666932 ~ 3667212 (+) True G26354
CI01000004_03504401_03504700.mRNA mRNA upstream 4085 3504278 ~ 3504932 (+) True CI01000004_03504401_03504700
CI01000004_03496175_03497985.mRNA mRNA upstream 10633 3494746 ~ 3498384 (+) True CI01000004_03496175_03497985
CI01000004_03432787_03433110.mRNA mRNA upstream 75563 3432787 ~ 3433454 (+) True CI01000004_03432787_03433110
CI01000004_03426800_03430289.mRNA mRNA upstream 78596 3425462 ~ 3430421 (+) False CI01000004_03426800_03430289
CI01000004_03415537_03416073.mRNA mRNA upstream 92819 3415042 ~ 3416198 (+) True CI01000004_03415537_03416073
CI01000004_03550525_03552621.mRNA mRNA downstream 27936 3550329 ~ 3553423 (+) False CI01000004_03550525_03552621
CI01000004_03592655_03592917.mRNA mRNA downstream 70262 3592655 ~ 3592917 (+) True CI01000004_03592655_03592917
CI01000004_03735876_03736152.mRNA mRNA downstream 213361 3735754 ~ 3737017 (+) True CI01000004_03735876_03736152
CI01000004_03814120_03839793.mRNA mRNA downstream 291658 3814051 ~ 3839807 (+) True CI01000004_03814120_03839793
CI01000004_03878083_03909016.mRNA mRNA downstream 355626 3878019 ~ 3909309 (+) True CI01000004_03878083_03909016
TU29335 other upstream 750079 2758456 ~ 2758938 (+) True CI01000004_02745885_02768971
TU29329 other upstream 772249 2736536 ~ 2736768 (+) True G25992
TU29214 other upstream 935968 2548075 ~ 2573049 (+) True G25882
TU28564 other upstream 1423310 2083057 ~ 2085707 (+) True G25329
TU28515 other upstream 1635659 1864159 ~ 1873358 (+) True G25282
TU29692 other downstream 28655 3551048 ~ 3552446 (+) True CI01000004_03550525_03552621
TU31414 other downstream 1850432 5372825 ~ 5373803 (+) False G27805
TU31416 other downstream 1850432 5372825 ~ 5373803 (+) False G27805
TU31417 other downstream 1850432 5372825 ~ 5373803 (+) False G27805
TU31418 other downstream 1850432 5372825 ~ 5373803 (+) True G27805

Expression Profile

TU29632 Expression in PRJCA010000

Bar chart with 27 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 4.
End of interactive chart.

TU29632 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 40 bars.
TU29632 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.