RNA id: TU305744

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU305744
length 687
lncRNA type antisense_over
GC content 0.46
exon number 2
gene id G269424
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CI01000065
NCBI id null
chromosome length 4956624
location 3351600 ~ 3352903 (-)
genome version v1_2015/06_NatureGenetics_grasscarp_Genome
species grasscarp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU305636 lncRNA downstream 46061 3304357 ~ 3305539 (-) False G269348
TU305614 lncRNA downstream 242045 3108288 ~ 3109555 (-) True G269337
TU305587 lncRNA downstream 373008 2978002 ~ 2978592 (-) True CI01000065_02979795_02989709
TU305575 lncRNA downstream 401268 2949545 ~ 2950332 (-) True G269304
TU305574 lncRNA downstream 412433 2938708 ~ 2939167 (-) True G269303
TU305760 lncRNA upstream 44207 3397110 ~ 3397359 (-) True G269436
TU305764 lncRNA upstream 84235 3437138 ~ 3437390 (-) True G269440
TU305713 lncRNA upstream 137669 3490572 ~ 3491380 (-) True G269399
TU305770 lncRNA upstream 143185 3496088 ~ 3496312 (-) True G269446
TU305772 lncRNA upstream 164833 3517736 ~ 3518149 (-) True G269448
CI01000065_03159239_03164326.mRNA mRNA downstream 187274 3159239 ~ 3164326 (-) True CI01000065_03159239_03164326
CI01000065_03113629_03136974.mRNA mRNA downstream 214626 3113458 ~ 3136974 (-) True CI01000065_03113629_03136974
CI01000065_03060532_03105332.mRNA mRNA downstream 245425 3059417 ~ 3106175 (-) True CI01000065_03060532_03105332
CI01000065_03037531_03045960.mRNA mRNA downstream 305640 3037361 ~ 3045960 (-) True CI01000065_03037531_03045960
CI01000065_03015397_03024204.mRNA mRNA downstream 327396 3014852 ~ 3024204 (-) True CI01000065_03015397_03024204
CI01000065_03369379_03371121.mRNA mRNA upstream 16016 3368919 ~ 3371441 (-) True CI01000065_03369379_03371121
CI01000065_03373810_03377138.mRNA mRNA upstream 19800 3372703 ~ 3377138 (-) True CI01000065_03373810_03377138
CI01000065_03385522_03396519.mRNA mRNA upstream 32619 3385522 ~ 3397081 (-) True CI01000065_03385522_03396519
CI01000065_03413002_03434286.mRNA mRNA upstream 59826 3412729 ~ 3434286 (-) True CI01000065_03413002_03434286
CI01000065_03442791_03477709.mRNA mRNA upstream 89692 3442595 ~ 3477709 (-) True CI01000065_03442791_03477709
TU305632 other downstream 39120 3308788 ~ 3312480 (-) True G269348
TU305637 other downstream 39196 3308443 ~ 3312404 (-) False G269348
TU305628 other downstream 39196 3308788 ~ 3312404 (-) False G269348
TU303837 other downstream 2567939 783538 ~ 783661 (-) True G267748
TU303828 other downstream 2726943 622432 ~ 624657 (-) True CI01000065_00622545_00624625
TU306020 other upstream 420977 3773880 ~ 3774294 (-) True G269679
TU305995 other upstream 440220 3807558 ~ 3810160 (-) False G269656
TU305996 other upstream 440343 3807558 ~ 3810243 (-) True G269656

Expression Profile

TU305744 Expression in PRJCA010000

Bar chart with 27 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 0.6.
End of interactive chart.

TU305744 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 26 bars.
TU305744 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 50.
End of interactive chart.