RNA id: TU368332

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU368332
length 222
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.44
exon number 1
gene id G323965
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CI01000110
NCBI id null
chromosome length 4324856
location 2151626 ~ 2151847 (-)
genome version v1_2015/06_NatureGenetics_grasscarp_Genome
species grasscarp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU368329 lncRNA downstream 9555 2141605 ~ 2142071 (-) True G323962
TU368176 lncRNA downstream 57908 2093511 ~ 2093718 (-) True G323827
TU368093 lncRNA downstream 298324 1853091 ~ 1853302 (-) True G323748
TU368066 lncRNA downstream 326114 1825295 ~ 1825512 (-) True G323722
TU367904 lncRNA downstream 370383 1780999 ~ 1781243 (-) True G323581
TU368336 lncRNA upstream 18915 2170762 ~ 2170983 (-) True G323969
TU368342 lncRNA upstream 32808 2184655 ~ 2184892 (-) True G323975
TU368350 lncRNA upstream 42721 2194568 ~ 2194827 (-) True G323983
TU368352 lncRNA upstream 49238 2201085 ~ 2201412 (-) True G323985
TU368354 lncRNA upstream 51864 2203711 ~ 2206449 (-) True G323987
CI01000110_01988105_01990600.mRNA mRNA downstream 159885 1986589 ~ 1991741 (-) True CI01000110_01988105_01990600
CI01000110_01864492_01865547.mRNA mRNA downstream 286079 1864478 ~ 1865547 (-) True CI01000110_01864492_01865547
CI01000110_01436253_01450759.mRNA mRNA downstream 700867 1436205 ~ 1450759 (-) True CI01000110_01436253_01450759
CI01000110_01432049_01434499.mRNA mRNA downstream 717127 1431705 ~ 1434499 (-) True CI01000110_01432049_01434499
CI01000110_01422600_01428949.mRNA mRNA downstream 722677 1421893 ~ 1428949 (-) False CI01000110_01422600_01428949
CI01000110_02794268_02794597.mRNA mRNA upstream 642335 2794182 ~ 2794597 (-) True CI01000110_02794268_02794597
CI01000110_02890041_02906679.mRNA mRNA upstream 738113 2889960 ~ 2908219 (-) False CI01000110_02890041_02906679
CI01000110_03015589_03024689.mRNA mRNA upstream 863403 3015250 ~ 3025361 (-) True CI01000110_03015589_03024689
CI01000110_03084686_03087106.mRNA mRNA upstream 932592 3084439 ~ 3087106 (-) True CI01000110_03084686_03087106
CI01000110_03095980_03103572.mRNA mRNA upstream 943609 3095456 ~ 3103572 (-) True CI01000110_03095980_03103572
TU367430 other downstream 914777 1205829 ~ 1236849 (-) True G323133
TU367428 other downstream 937236 1205829 ~ 1214390 (-) False G323133
TU366784 other downstream 2045807 103265 ~ 105819 (-) True G322580
TU369365 other upstream 963611 3115458 ~ 3120099 (-) False G324936
TU369369 other upstream 963611 3115458 ~ 3120099 (-) False G324936
TU369366 other upstream 964304 3116151 ~ 3120099 (-) True G324936

Expression Profile

TU368332 Expression in PRJCA010000

Bar chart with 27 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.

TU368332 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 11 bars.
TU368332 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 200.
End of interactive chart.