RNA id: TU172227

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU172227
length 224
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.34
exon number 1
gene id G150313
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048566.1
NCBI id CM023220.2
chromosome length 103806877
location 46931101 ~ 46931324 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU172136 lncRNA upstream 54024 46872295 ~ 46877077 (+) True G150227
TU172134 lncRNA upstream 72879 46857894 ~ 46858222 (+) True G150225
TU172120 lncRNA upstream 87898 46842891 ~ 46843203 (+) True G150211
TU172119 lncRNA upstream 88508 46842304 ~ 46842593 (+) True G150210
TU172095 lncRNA upstream 118853 46811957 ~ 46812248 (+) True G150186
TU172231 lncRNA downstream 9857 46941181 ~ 46941449 (+) True G150317
TU172233 lncRNA downstream 11532 46942856 ~ 46943090 (+) True G150319
TU172238 lncRNA downstream 22288 46953612 ~ 46953847 (+) True G150324
TU172258 lncRNA downstream 75015 47006339 ~ 47006712 (+) True G150339
TU172397 lncRNA downstream 282774 47214098 ~ 47220529 (+) True G150467
XM_036949734.1 mRNA upstream 798987 45596003 ~ 46132114 (+) True brsk2a
XR_005036955.1 mRNA upstream 1175118 45699197 ~ 45755983 (+) True LOC118940395
XM_021564034.2 mRNA upstream 1462256 45444073 ~ 45468845 (+) True tsg101a
XM_021563975.2 mRNA upstream 1675258 45203309 ~ 45255843 (+) False LOC110490546
XM_036949670.1 mRNA upstream 1675258 45203320 ~ 45255843 (+) True LOC110490546
XM_021564096.2 mRNA downstream 34812 46966136 ~ 46980755 (+) True spty2d1
XM_036949756.1 mRNA downstream 50362 46981686 ~ 47007672 (+) False uevld
XM_036933601.1 mRNA downstream 202891 47134215 ~ 47205441 (+) False cpt1ab
XM_036933595.1 mRNA downstream 203521 47134845 ~ 47205441 (+) False cpt1ab
XM_036933608.1 mRNA downstream 203521 47134845 ~ 47205441 (+) False cpt1ab
TU169948 other upstream 1438722 45472745 ~ 45492379 (+) True G148191
TU169947 other upstream 1458472 45472082 ~ 45472629 (+) False G148191
TU169210 other upstream 2059601 44870800 ~ 44871500 (+) True G147510
TU168471 other upstream 2501708 44429153 ~ 44429393 (+) True G146841
TU167816 other upstream 2934036 43996780 ~ 43997065 (+) True G146226
TU172245 other downstream 50395 46981719 ~ 46985226 (+) True uevld
TU172952 other downstream 566624 47497948 ~ 47547579 (+) True G150997
TU174225 other downstream 1625458 48556782 ~ 48557686 (+) True G152167
TU176287 other downstream 3167092 50098416 ~ 50100474 (+) True LOC110491026
TU177155 other downstream 4234091 51165415 ~ 51167174 (+) True G154859

Expression Profile

TU172227 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.

TU172227 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 11 bars.
TU172227 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 40.
End of interactive chart.