RNA id: TCONS_00029241

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TCONS_00029241
length 768
lncRNA type retained_intron
GC content 0.38
exon number 5
gene id XLOC_014818
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_007130.7
NCBI id CM002903.2
chromosome length 48449771
location 26730298 ~ 26736346 (-)
genome version GRCz11_2017_zebrafish_Genome
species zebrafish
(Danio rerio)





id name namespace
GO:0016310 phosphorylation biological_process
GO:0016055 Wnt signaling pathway biological_process
GO:0031519 PcG protein complex cellular_component
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component
GO:0005956 protein kinase CK2 complex cellular_component
GO:0005737 cytoplasm cellular_component
GO:0016740 transferase activity molecular_function
GO:0046872 metal ion binding molecular_function
GO:0019887 protein kinase regulator activity molecular_function
GO:0016301 kinase activity molecular_function


id description
ko03008 Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes
ko04310 Wnt signaling pathway
ko04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway
ko04137 Mitophagy - animal
ko04139 Mitophagy - yeast
ko04520 Adherens junction
ko04712 Circadian rhythm - plant
ko05235 PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer
ko05162 Measles
ko05010 Alzheimer disease
ko05020 Prion disease
ko05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases
ko03009 Ribosome biogenesis
ko03036 Chromosome and associated proteins


id description
ZDB-GENE-990415-29 Predicted to enable protein kinase regulator activity. Predicted to be involved in regulation of protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity. Predicted to act upstream of or within Wnt signaling pathway and phosphorylation. Predicted to be part of protein kinase CK2 complex. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm. Orthologous to human CSNK2B (casein kinase 2 beta).


ensembl_id ENSDART00000144040



RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TCONS_00029226 lncRNA downstream 1574931 25155542 ~ 25157191 (-) True XLOC_014808
TCONS_00029224 lncRNA downstream 1617455 25112796 ~ 25114667 (-) False XLOC_014807
TCONS_00029217 lncRNA downstream 1646030 25084265 ~ 25086092 (-) False XLOC_014806
TCONS_00029216 lncRNA downstream 1646030 25084265 ~ 25086092 (-) True XLOC_014806
TCONS_00029208 lncRNA downstream 1974053 24756545 ~ 24758069 (-) False XLOC_014799
TCONS_00029778 lncRNA upstream 43203 26779546 ~ 26780698 (-) True XLOC_014820
TCONS_00029779 lncRNA upstream 50557 26786900 ~ 26788280 (-) True XLOC_014821
TCONS_00030237 lncRNA upstream 67526 26803869 ~ 26807219 (-) True XLOC_014822
TCONS_00029248 lncRNA upstream 85323 26821666 ~ 26823709 (-) True XLOC_014823
TCONS_00029254 lncRNA upstream 177081 26913424 ~ 26917550 (-) True XLOC_014826
TCONS_00029237 mRNA downstream 496903 26161709 ~ 26235219 (-) True XLOC_014817
TCONS_00029236 mRNA downstream 959142 25699329 ~ 25772980 (-) True XLOC_014816
TCONS_00029235 mRNA downstream 1038394 25679538 ~ 25693728 (-) True XLOC_014815
TCONS_00029234 mRNA downstream 1054120 25656812 ~ 25678002 (-) True XLOC_014814
TCONS_00029232 mRNA downstream 1212812 25512923 ~ 25519310 (-) True XLOC_014812
TCONS_00029243 mRNA upstream 3470 26739813 ~ 26770083 (-) False XLOC_014819
TCONS_00029242 mRNA upstream 3470 26739813 ~ 26770083 (-) False XLOC_014819
TCONS_00029244 mRNA upstream 4167 26740510 ~ 26769867 (-) False XLOC_014819
TCONS_00029245 mRNA upstream 4167 26740510 ~ 26769918 (-) False XLOC_014819
TCONS_00029246 mRNA upstream 6055 26742398 ~ 26769867 (-) True XLOC_014819
TCONS_00029233 other downstream 1213582 25518420 ~ 25518540 (-) True XLOC_014813
TCONS_00029225 other downstream 1583138 25146786 ~ 25148984 (-) True XLOC_014807
TCONS_00029214 other downstream 1671245 25056812 ~ 25060877 (-) True XLOC_014804
TCONS_00029210 other downstream 1974798 24757193 ~ 24757324 (-) True XLOC_014799
TCONS_00029209 other downstream 1975148 24756843 ~ 24756974 (-) True XLOC_014800
TCONS_00029249 other upstream 91838 26828181 ~ 26837124 (-) True XLOC_014824
TCONS_00029261 other upstream 436371 27172714 ~ 27172830 (-) True XLOC_014831
TCONS_00029268 other upstream 598187 27334530 ~ 27336629 (-) False XLOC_014832
TCONS_00029282 other upstream 728073 27464416 ~ 27464482 (-) False XLOC_014836
TCONS_00029285 other upstream 728761 27465104 ~ 27465170 (-) False XLOC_014836

Expression Profile
