RNA id: TCONS_00030569

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TCONS_00030569
length 768
RNA type processed_transcript
GC content 0.41
exon number 4
gene id XLOC_015238
representative False

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_007113.7
NCBI id CM002886.2
chromosome length 59640629
location 9821757 ~ 9842240 (+)
genome version GRCz11_2017_zebrafish_Genome
species zebrafish
(Danio rerio)





id name namespace
GO:0005737 cytoplasm cellular_component
GO:0005509 calcium ion binding molecular_function
GO:0005544 calcium-dependent phospholipid binding molecular_function



id description
ZDB-GENE-050522-310 Predicted to enable calcium ion binding activity. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm. Is expressed in basal plate midbrain region and nervous system.


ensembl_id ENSDART00000135248



RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TCONS_00033483 lncRNA upstream 180985 9652353 ~ 9657047 (+) False XLOC_015236
TCONS_00033487 lncRNA downstream 442897 10284761 ~ 10285629 (+) True XLOC_015251
TCONS_00030592 lncRNA downstream 544615 10386479 ~ 10416272 (+) True XLOC_015252
TCONS_00033488 lncRNA downstream 721635 10563499 ~ 10564386 (+) True XLOC_015253
TCONS_00033489 lncRNA downstream 762649 10604513 ~ 10607329 (+) True XLOC_015254
TCONS_00030612 lncRNA downstream 1213452 11055316 ~ 11063844 (+) True XLOC_015262
TCONS_00030564 mRNA upstream 1794 9821782 ~ 9836238 (+) False XLOC_015238
TCONS_00030560 mRNA upstream 58073 9755422 ~ 9779959 (+) False XLOC_015237
TCONS_00030561 mRNA upstream 58509 9757453 ~ 9779523 (+) True XLOC_015237
TCONS_00030559 mRNA upstream 247182 9560740 ~ 9590850 (+) True XLOC_015235
TCONS_00030558 mRNA upstream 277725 9552456 ~ 9560307 (+) True XLOC_015234
TCONS_00030572 mRNA downstream 76814 9918678 ~ 9941230 (+) False XLOC_015240
TCONS_00030573 mRNA downstream 77071 9918935 ~ 9941405 (+) True XLOC_015240
TCONS_00030574 mRNA downstream 104257 9946121 ~ 9957805 (+) True XLOC_015241
TCONS_00030575 mRNA downstream 129078 9970942 ~ 9982960 (+) False XLOC_015242
TCONS_00030576 mRNA downstream 131823 9973687 ~ 9983661 (+) False XLOC_015242
TCONS_00030568 other upstream 4226 9831338 ~ 9833806 (+) False XLOC_015238
TCONS_00030545 other upstream 1648632 8189285 ~ 8189400 (+) True XLOC_015223
TCONS_00030543 other upstream 1790775 8045416 ~ 8047257 (+) True XLOC_015221
TCONS_00030536 other upstream 2114091 7723870 ~ 7723941 (+) True XLOC_015217
TCONS_00030535 other upstream 2114449 7723394 ~ 7723583 (+) True XLOC_015216
TCONS_00030571 other downstream 33665 9875529 ~ 9875645 (+) True XLOC_015239
TCONS_00030577 other downstream 132017 9973881 ~ 9982953 (+) True XLOC_015242
TCONS_00030590 other downstream 364137 10206001 ~ 10206118 (+) True XLOC_015249
TCONS_00030605 other downstream 1164793 11006657 ~ 11006790 (+) True XLOC_015261
TCONS_00030617 other downstream 1402022 11243886 ~ 11244007 (+) True XLOC_015265

Expression Profile

Expression of TCONS_00030569 in the Zebrafish Sample from each Developmental Stage of PRJEB12982

Boxplot with 18 boxes. Box plot charts are typically used to display groups of statistical data. Each data point in the chart can have up to 5 values: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 75.
End of interactive chart.

Expression of TCONS_00030569 in the Zebrafish Sample of PRJEB12982

Bar chart with 360 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 75.
End of interactive chart.


species RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number chromosome id location
tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona) TU13322 False 1089 lncRNA 0.44 4 NC_056700.1 2591627 ~ 2593011 (-)