RNA id: TU583677

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU583677
length 865
lncRNA type read_through
GC content 0.35
exon number 2
gene id G514545
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048570.1
NCBI id CM023224.2
chromosome length 101096859
location 47108233 ~ 47181067 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU583672 lncRNA upstream 4671 47103352 ~ 47103562 (+) True G514541
TU583661 lncRNA upstream 29353 47078673 ~ 47078880 (+) True G514530
TU583589 lncRNA upstream 66792 47040988 ~ 47041441 (+) True G514461
TU583585 lncRNA upstream 68039 47033873 ~ 47040194 (+) True G514457
TU583625 lncRNA upstream 89674 47018247 ~ 47018559 (+) True G514496
TU583754 lncRNA downstream 56425 47237492 ~ 47237777 (+) True G514614
TU583768 lncRNA downstream 74614 47255681 ~ 47256160 (+) True G514628
TU583779 lncRNA downstream 86552 47267619 ~ 47267921 (+) True G514639
TU583781 lncRNA downstream 87976 47269043 ~ 47269331 (+) True G514641
TU583772 lncRNA downstream 100433 47281500 ~ 47284426 (+) True G514632
XM_036980264.1 mRNA upstream 103881 46993596 ~ 47004352 (+) False LOC110526907
XR_005052126.1 mRNA upstream 103881 46993596 ~ 47004352 (+) False LOC110526907
XM_036980263.1 mRNA upstream 109566 46993596 ~ 46998667 (+) False LOC110526907
XM_036980261.1 mRNA upstream 130105 46957502 ~ 46978128 (+) False LOC110526054
XM_036980267.1 mRNA downstream 214300 47395367 ~ 47398426 (+) True LOC118964877
XM_036981755.1 mRNA downstream 240174 47421241 ~ 47424219 (+) True LOC110526909
XM_036980271.1 mRNA downstream 269778 47450845 ~ 47494971 (+) False LOC110526910
XM_036980270.1 mRNA downstream 271197 47452264 ~ 47494971 (+) False LOC110526910
XM_036980269.1 mRNA downstream 284250 47465317 ~ 47494972 (+) False LOC110526910
TU583628 other upstream 85141 47022294 ~ 47023092 (+) True G514499
TU583592 other upstream 180519 46926842 ~ 46927714 (+) True G514464
TU582823 other upstream 207110 46900561 ~ 46901123 (+) True G513745
TU582564 other upstream 747648 46359956 ~ 46360585 (+) True G513501
TU582342 other upstream 917941 46187000 ~ 46190292 (+) True LOC110526042
TU583803 other downstream 122116 47303183 ~ 47329244 (+) True G514662
TU583807 other downstream 125371 47306438 ~ 47320050 (+) True G514665
TU583904 other downstream 332719 47513786 ~ 47516710 (+) True LOC118964881
TU584269 other downstream 768939 47950006 ~ 47952254 (+) True G515069
TU584412 other downstream 1370552 48551619 ~ 48587888 (+) False G515189

Expression Profile

TU583677 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.

TU583677 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 18 bars.
TU583677 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 200.
End of interactive chart.