RNA id: TU593608

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU593608
length 317
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.41
exon number 1
gene id G523719
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048570.1
NCBI id CM023224.2
chromosome length 101096859
location 55559169 ~ 55559485 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU593598 lncRNA upstream 6059 55552869 ~ 55553110 (+) True G523709
TU593589 lncRNA upstream 12204 55546577 ~ 55546965 (+) True G523700
TU593585 lncRNA upstream 15502 55543400 ~ 55543667 (+) True G523696
TU593578 lncRNA upstream 22331 55535782 ~ 55536838 (+) True G523689
TU593549 lncRNA upstream 45732 55513216 ~ 55513437 (+) True G523660
TU593610 lncRNA downstream 2997 55562482 ~ 55562802 (+) True G523721
TU593614 lncRNA downstream 7798 55567283 ~ 55567635 (+) True LOC110526167
TU593647 lncRNA downstream 29855 55589340 ~ 55636958 (+) True G523746
TU593665 lncRNA downstream 58899 55618384 ~ 55620951 (+) True G523763
TU593687 lncRNA downstream 103456 55662941 ~ 55663185 (+) True G523785
XM_021606828.2 mRNA upstream 111033 55378546 ~ 55448136 (+) False LOC110526163
XM_021606837.2 mRNA downstream 3954 55563439 ~ 55568167 (+) False LOC110526167
XM_021606840.2 mRNA downstream 344579 55904064 ~ 55916081 (+) False LOC110526169
XM_036980457.1 mRNA downstream 344579 55904064 ~ 55916081 (+) False LOC110526169
XR_002473897.2 mRNA downstream 405737 55965222 ~ 55968091 (+) False LOC110526172
XR_005052166.1 mRNA downstream 405799 55965284 ~ 55968091 (+) False LOC110526172
TU593407 other upstream 74562 55484249 ~ 55484607 (+) True G523529
TU592296 other upstream 618296 54879699 ~ 54940873 (+) False LOC110526161
TU592297 other upstream 618296 54920472 ~ 54940873 (+) True LOC110526161
TU591700 other upstream 1288910 54269925 ~ 54270259 (+) True G521914
TU591331 other upstream 1604039 53925942 ~ 53955130 (+) True G521552
TU593613 other downstream 4263 55563748 ~ 55566499 (+) False LOC110526167
TU593827 other downstream 354858 55914343 ~ 55915946 (+) True LOC110526169
TU593913 other downstream 550794 56110279 ~ 56120734 (+) True LOC110526175
TU595721 other downstream 2016599 57576084 ~ 57581070 (+) True G525645
TU595951 other downstream 2044623 57604108 ~ 57606367 (+) True G525861

Expression Profile

TU593608 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 0.75.
End of interactive chart.

TU593608 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 4 bars.
TU593608 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 4.
End of interactive chart.