RNA id: TU806092

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU806092
length 464
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.47
exon number 2
gene id G708830
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048572.1
NCBI id CM023226.2
chromosome length 91622588
location 42258575 ~ 42259716 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)






id description




RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU805967 lncRNA downstream 36667 41974081 ~ 42221908 (-) False G708736
TU806076 lncRNA downstream 40077 42216344 ~ 42218498 (-) True G708820
TU806065 lncRNA downstream 76708 42174275 ~ 42181867 (-) True G708810
TU806059 lncRNA downstream 83749 42140957 ~ 42174826 (-) True G708804
TU806050 lncRNA downstream 131855 42115738 ~ 42126720 (-) True G708796
TU805979 lncRNA upstream 20983 42280699 ~ 42284286 (-) True G708740
TU806114 lncRNA upstream 66626 42326342 ~ 42326630 (-) True G708852
TU806377 lncRNA upstream 169702 42429418 ~ 42430176 (-) True G709096
TU806496 lncRNA upstream 320559 42580275 ~ 42627363 (-) True G709197
TU806565 lncRNA upstream 451827 42711543 ~ 42711868 (-) True G709263
XR_005053021.1 mRNA downstream 529588 41725521 ~ 41728987 (-) False LOC118965611
XM_036985475.1 mRNA downstream 1289097 40958142 ~ 40969478 (-) True LOC110529916
XM_021612576.2 mRNA downstream 1289101 40958142 ~ 40969474 (-) False LOC110529916
XR_005052877.1 mRNA downstream 1458538 40779851 ~ 40800037 (-) False LOC118965517
XM_036985477.1 mRNA upstream 80966 42340682 ~ 42420086 (-) False klhl18
XM_036985478.1 mRNA upstream 80966 42340682 ~ 42420087 (-) False klhl18
XM_036985479.1 mRNA upstream 80966 42340682 ~ 42420087 (-) True klhl18
XM_021612584.2 mRNA upstream 172075 42431791 ~ 42525669 (-) False puf60a
XM_021612585.2 mRNA upstream 172075 42431791 ~ 42526527 (-) False puf60a
TU804129 other downstream 2298962 39956961 ~ 39959613 (-) True slc22a16
TU803684 other downstream 3032262 39219644 ~ 39226313 (-) True G706683
TU801790 other downstream 3944772 38313489 ~ 38313803 (-) True G704874
TU801610 other downstream 4220229 38037725 ~ 38038346 (-) True G704702
TU800488 other downstream 4766418 37489227 ~ 37492157 (-) True LOC110530908
TU806574 other upstream 460055 42719771 ~ 42720699 (-) True G709272
TU806781 other upstream 911044 43170760 ~ 43171082 (-) True G709454
TU808567 other upstream 2279077 44538793 ~ 44539504 (-) True G711133
TU810338 other upstream 3198061 45457777 ~ 45458248 (-) True G712814
TU811283 other upstream 4051414 46311130 ~ 46325681 (-) True crfb16

Expression Profile

TU806092 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 1.25.
End of interactive chart.

TU806092 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 17 bars.
TU806092 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 40.
End of interactive chart.