RNA id: TU808555

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU808555
length 228
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.53
exon number 1
gene id G711121
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048572.1
NCBI id CM023226.2
chromosome length 91622588
location 44531965 ~ 44532192 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU808540 lncRNA downstream 9740 44521994 ~ 44522225 (-) True G711107
TU808437 lncRNA downstream 93596 44437905 ~ 44438369 (-) True G711007
TU808241 lncRNA downstream 436007 44094015 ~ 44095958 (-) True G710822
TU808239 lncRNA downstream 443276 44088363 ~ 44088689 (-) True G710820
TU808238 lncRNA downstream 444104 44087661 ~ 44087861 (-) True G710819
TU808565 lncRNA upstream 5633 44537825 ~ 44538121 (-) True G711131
TU809677 lncRNA upstream 18077 44550269 ~ 44629270 (-) True G712181
TU809690 lncRNA upstream 32250 44564442 ~ 44609392 (-) True G712194
TU809706 lncRNA upstream 51543 44583735 ~ 44592295 (-) True G712208
TU809709 lncRNA upstream 53141 44585333 ~ 44589776 (-) True G712210
XM_021612600.2 mRNA downstream 95406 44184993 ~ 44436559 (-) False efr3a
XM_021612601.2 mRNA downstream 95406 44184993 ~ 44436559 (-) False efr3a
XM_021612602.2 mRNA downstream 95406 44184993 ~ 44436559 (-) True efr3a
XR_002474453.2 mRNA downstream 137326 44390878 ~ 44394639 (-) True LOC110529930
XR_005053023.1 mRNA downstream 768647 43759329 ~ 43763318 (-) True LOC118965613
XR_002474328.2 mRNA upstream 448777 44980969 ~ 44984268 (-) True LOC110529115
XM_021612606.2 mRNA upstream 589891 45122083 ~ 45173741 (-) True basp1
XM_021612608.2 mRNA upstream 952826 45485018 ~ 45495100 (-) False znf622
XM_021612609.2 mRNA upstream 952826 45485018 ~ 45495101 (-) False znf622
XM_036985484.1 mRNA upstream 952826 45485018 ~ 45495101 (-) True znf622
TU806781 other downstream 1360883 43170760 ~ 43171082 (-) True G709454
TU806574 other downstream 1811266 42719771 ~ 42720699 (-) True G709272
TU804129 other downstream 4572352 39956961 ~ 39959613 (-) True slc22a16
TU803684 other downstream 5305652 39219644 ~ 39226313 (-) True G706683
TU801790 other downstream 6218162 38313489 ~ 38313803 (-) True G704874
TU808567 other upstream 6601 44538793 ~ 44539504 (-) True G711133
TU810338 other upstream 925585 45457777 ~ 45458248 (-) True G712814
TU811283 other upstream 1778938 46311130 ~ 46325681 (-) True crfb16
TU811888 other upstream 2519275 47051467 ~ 47057660 (-) True LOC110529973
TU812043 other upstream 2646232 47178424 ~ 47178736 (-) True G714425

Expression Profile

TU808555 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 12.
End of interactive chart.

TU808555 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 18 bars.
TU808555 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 400.
End of interactive chart.