RNA id: TU815336

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU815336
length 218
lncRNA type intronic
GC content 0.39
exon number 1
gene id G717556
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048572.1
NCBI id CM023226.2
chromosome length 91622588
location 49558865 ~ 49559082 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)








RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU815334 lncRNA downstream 1886 49556761 ~ 49556979 (-) True G717554
TU815333 lncRNA downstream 2231 49556274 ~ 49556634 (-) True G717553
TU815331 lncRNA downstream 4496 49554153 ~ 49554369 (-) True G717551
TU815329 lncRNA downstream 5536 49552985 ~ 49553329 (-) True G717549
TU815327 lncRNA downstream 6779 49551887 ~ 49552086 (-) True G717547
TU815340 lncRNA upstream 8287 49567369 ~ 49567576 (-) True G717560
TU815345 lncRNA upstream 14766 49573848 ~ 49574098 (-) True G717565
TU815351 lncRNA upstream 18679 49577761 ~ 49578615 (-) True LOC118965614
TU815305 lncRNA upstream 32148 49591230 ~ 49593744 (-) True G717525
TU815397 lncRNA upstream 70510 49629592 ~ 49630539 (-) True LOC110530005
XM_021612751.2 mRNA downstream 29179 49524738 ~ 49529686 (-) True LOC110530002
XM_036985541.1 mRNA downstream 67617 49442708 ~ 49491248 (-) False LOC110529999
XM_036985542.1 mRNA downstream 67617 49442708 ~ 49491248 (-) False LOC110529999
XM_036985543.1 mRNA downstream 67617 49442708 ~ 49491248 (-) False LOC110529999
XM_036985546.1 mRNA downstream 68109 49442708 ~ 49490756 (-) False LOC110529999
XR_005053024.1 mRNA upstream 18021 49577103 ~ 49578807 (-) False LOC118965614
XM_021612754.2 mRNA upstream 42457 49601539 ~ 49612229 (-) True LOC110530004
XR_002474470.2 mRNA upstream 70495 49629577 ~ 49630769 (-) False LOC110530005
XM_021612756.2 mRNA upstream 76393 49635475 ~ 49647848 (-) False LOC110530006
XM_036985551.1 mRNA upstream 76393 49635475 ~ 49647848 (-) True LOC110530006
TU814229 other downstream 769903 48788521 ~ 48788962 (-) True G716488
TU814220 other downstream 776350 48782121 ~ 48782515 (-) True G716480
TU814203 other downstream 797702 48759912 ~ 48761163 (-) True G716463
TU813956 other downstream 942342 48542291 ~ 48616523 (-) True dlg1l
TU813564 other downstream 1269284 48288942 ~ 48289581 (-) True G715865
TU816366 other upstream 226592 49785674 ~ 49837696 (-) True G718489
TU816422 other upstream 307548 49866630 ~ 49889252 (-) False LOC110530011
TU817090 other upstream 1377846 50936928 ~ 50939471 (-) True G719151
TU817704 other upstream 1693273 51252355 ~ 51259019 (-) True LOC110530043
TU819491 other upstream 3201957 52761039 ~ 52761451 (-) True G721275

Expression Profile

TU815336 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 3.
End of interactive chart.

TU815336 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 6 bars.
TU815336 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 30.
End of interactive chart.