RNA id: TU1080947

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU1080947
length 1282
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.44
exon number 3
gene id atp8a2
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048575.1
NCBI id CM023229.2
chromosome length 86280908
location 15594416 ~ 15660363 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome
species rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU1080990 lncRNA upstream 120568 15538165 ~ 15538443 (+) True G948011
TU1080981 lncRNA upstream 129069 15526437 ~ 15529942 (+) False G948005
TU1080980 lncRNA upstream 130487 15526437 ~ 15528524 (+) False G948005
TU1081034 lncRNA downstream 34827 15695190 ~ 15699638 (+) True G948049
TU1081083 lncRNA downstream 68327 15728690 ~ 15728894 (+) True G948092
TU1081109 lncRNA downstream 118622 15778985 ~ 15781343 (+) True G948115
TU1081110 lncRNA downstream 119270 15779633 ~ 15780297 (+) True G948116
TU1081340 lncRNA downstream 166935 15827298 ~ 15828220 (+) True G948318
XM_036935001.1 mRNA upstream 74 15594416 ~ 15658937 (+) False atp8a2
XM_036935002.1 mRNA upstream 74 15594416 ~ 15658937 (+) False atp8a2
XM_036935003.1 mRNA upstream 74 15594416 ~ 15658937 (+) False atp8a2
XM_036935004.1 mRNA upstream 74 15594416 ~ 15658937 (+) False atp8a2
XM_036935006.1 mRNA upstream 75 15594596 ~ 15658936 (+) False atp8a2
XM_021620299.2 mRNA downstream 27897 15688260 ~ 15694754 (+) False spice1
XM_021620297.2 mRNA downstream 27898 15688261 ~ 15695114 (+) False spice1
XM_021620298.2 mRNA downstream 27898 15688261 ~ 15695114 (+) False spice1
XR_002475244.2 mRNA downstream 27898 15688261 ~ 15695114 (+) True spice1
XM_036935014.1 mRNA downstream 86787 15747150 ~ 15800515 (+) False boc
TU1080953 other upstream 69235 15587830 ~ 15589776 (+) True rnf6
TU1080897 other upstream 219149 15437681 ~ 15439862 (+) False LOC110535338
TU1080898 other upstream 219149 15437681 ~ 15439862 (+) True LOC110535338
TU1080689 other upstream 359638 15285179 ~ 15299373 (+) True spata13
TU1080168 other upstream 771729 14886614 ~ 14887282 (+) True G947301
TU1081090 other downstream 87010 15747373 ~ 15793034 (+) True boc
TU1081573 other downstream 393702 16054065 ~ 16054638 (+) True G948524
TU1081554 other downstream 413053 16073416 ~ 16083282 (+) False sh3kbp1
TU1081677 other downstream 549566 16209929 ~ 16210840 (+) False ccl20b
TU1081665 other downstream 662987 16323350 ~ 16326407 (+) True G948587

Expression Profile

TU1080947 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 12.
End of interactive chart.

TU1080947 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 15 bars.
TU1080947 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 250.
End of interactive chart.