RNA id: TCONS_00051651

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TCONS_00051651
length 467
lncRNA type retained_intron
GC content 0.47
exon number 2
gene id XLOC_026502
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_007114.7
NCBI id CM002887.2
chromosome length 62628489
location 33395942 ~ 33417826 (-)
genome version GRCz11_2017_zebrafish_Genome
species zebrafish
(Danio rerio)





id name namespace
GO:0008150 biological_process biological_process
GO:0030027 lamellipodium cellular_component
GO:0017124 SH3 domain binding molecular_function



id description
ZDB-GENE-060929-958 Predicted to enable SH3 domain binding activity. Predicted to be located in cell junction; cytoskeleton; and filopodium. Predicted to be active in lamellipodium. Orthologous to human ABI3 (ABI family member 3).


ensembl_id ENSDART00000142628



RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TCONS_00051648 lncRNA downstream 51458 33344076 ~ 33345247 (-) True XLOC_026500
TCONS_00051647 lncRNA downstream 92582 33300418 ~ 33304123 (-) True XLOC_026499
TCONS_00053064 lncRNA downstream 95394 33300194 ~ 33301311 (-) False XLOC_026499
TCONS_00051646 lncRNA downstream 137084 33083988 ~ 33259621 (-) True XLOC_026498
TCONS_00051645 lncRNA downstream 283022 33083988 ~ 33113683 (-) False XLOC_026498
TCONS_00051653 lncRNA upstream 21682 33420219 ~ 33422734 (-) True XLOC_026503
TCONS_00051655 lncRNA upstream 25487 33424024 ~ 33426932 (-) False XLOC_026504
TCONS_00051657 lncRNA upstream 27008 33425545 ~ 33427584 (-) True XLOC_026504
TCONS_00051659 lncRNA upstream 37217 33435754 ~ 33437732 (-) True XLOC_026506
TCONS_00051667 lncRNA upstream 282981 33681518 ~ 33690754 (-) True XLOC_026509
TCONS_00051649 mRNA downstream 1472 33389023 ~ 33395233 (-) True XLOC_026501
TCONS_00051643 mRNA downstream 221122 33065613 ~ 33175583 (-) False XLOC_026498
TCONS_00051644 mRNA downstream 282826 33066004 ~ 33113879 (-) False XLOC_026498
TCONS_00051641 mRNA downstream 364906 33005024 ~ 33031799 (-) False XLOC_026497
TCONS_00051639 mRNA downstream 365978 32993447 ~ 33030727 (-) False XLOC_026497
TCONS_00051652 mRNA upstream 21677 33420214 ~ 33422738 (-) False XLOC_026503
TCONS_00051654 mRNA upstream 25449 33423986 ~ 33427803 (-) False XLOC_026504
TCONS_00051658 mRNA upstream 33654 33432191 ~ 33437796 (-) False XLOC_026506
TCONS_00051660 mRNA upstream 62538 33461075 ~ 33494163 (-) False XLOC_026507
TCONS_00051661 mRNA upstream 67368 33465905 ~ 33469722 (-) True XLOC_026507
TCONS_00051635 other downstream 423171 32972974 ~ 32973534 (-) True XLOC_026495
TCONS_00051585 other downstream 1209320 32186134 ~ 32187385 (-) False XLOC_026474
TCONS_00051529 other downstream 2596047 30800541 ~ 30800658 (-) True XLOC_026441
TCONS_00051520 other downstream 2908611 30454353 ~ 30488094 (-) False XLOC_026436
TCONS_00051482 other downstream 3526581 29868899 ~ 29870124 (-) True XLOC_026416
TCONS_00051656 other upstream 25655 33424192 ~ 33424328 (-) True XLOC_026505
TCONS_00051678 other upstream 550132 33948669 ~ 33948788 (-) True XLOC_026513
TCONS_00051702 other upstream 624628 34023165 ~ 34023613 (-) True XLOC_026529
TCONS_00051708 other upstream 636655 34035192 ~ 34035631 (-) True XLOC_026534
TCONS_00051712 other upstream 638944 34037481 ~ 34037881 (-) True XLOC_026535

Expression Profile
