RNA id: TU150477

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU150477
length 447
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.37
exon number 2
gene id G111683
representative False

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_053122.1
NCBI id CM020919.1
chromosome length 39550354
location 3254475 ~ 3304338 (-)
genome version GENO_Pfluv_1.0_2020_eurasian_perch_Genome
species eurasian perch
(Perca fluviatilis)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU150489 lncRNA downstream 45815 3140019 ~ 3208660 (-) True G111685
TU150494 lncRNA downstream 136441 3117616 ~ 3118034 (-) True G111690
TU150464 lncRNA downstream 154142 3096244 ~ 3100333 (-) False G111678
TU150508 lncRNA upstream 77 3304415 ~ 3305527 (-) True G111704
TU150509 lncRNA upstream 1497 3305835 ~ 3306933 (-) True G111705
TU150510 lncRNA upstream 9351 3313689 ~ 3313970 (-) True G111706
TU150520 lncRNA upstream 70933 3375271 ~ 3375715 (-) True G111712
TU150521 lncRNA upstream 72476 3376814 ~ 3377056 (-) True G111713
XM_039815178.1 mRNA downstream 106 3234368 ~ 3254369 (-) True LOC120568006
XM_039815177.1 mRNA downstream 106 3242875 ~ 3254369 (-) False LOC120568006
XM_039815176.1 mRNA downstream 106 3242875 ~ 3254369 (-) False LOC120568006
XM_039815175.1 mRNA downstream 25328 3204287 ~ 3229147 (-) False LOC120568005
XM_039815173.1 mRNA downstream 25328 3212548 ~ 3229147 (-) False LOC120568005
XM_039816093.1 mRNA upstream 44737 3349075 ~ 3371775 (-) False LOC120568520
XM_039816976.1 mRNA upstream 144375 3448713 ~ 3456534 (-) False LOC120569104
XM_039816975.1 mRNA upstream 144375 3448713 ~ 3456534 (-) False LOC120569104
XM_039816974.1 mRNA upstream 144375 3448713 ~ 3456534 (-) False LOC120569104
XM_039816973.1 mRNA upstream 144375 3448713 ~ 3456534 (-) False LOC120569104
XR_005640646.1 other downstream 25328 3204287 ~ 3229147 (-) False LOC120568005
TU150424 other downstream 112605 2985332 ~ 3141870 (-) False LOC120568519
TU150430 other downstream 262629 2985332 ~ 2991846 (-) False LOC120568519
TU150296 other downstream 676461 2573304 ~ 2578014 (-) True G111573
TU150255 other downstream 866178 2341496 ~ 2388297 (-) True LOC120567903
TU150514 other upstream 10308 3314646 ~ 3369939 (-) True LOC120568520
TU150904 other upstream 731204 4035542 ~ 4036963 (-) True G111942
TU151047 other upstream 933764 4238102 ~ 4238670 (-) True G112043
TU151048 other upstream 933764 4238102 ~ 4238670 (-) False G112043
TU151050 other upstream 933764 4238102 ~ 4238670 (-) False G112043

Expression Profile

TU150477 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 13 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.

TU150477 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 3 bars.
TU150477 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 60.
End of interactive chart.