RNA id: TU28532

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TU28532
length 203
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.39
exon number 2
gene id G22741
representative True

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030123.1
NCBI id CM030123.1
chromosome length 53548854
location 11570952 ~ 11573862 (+)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome
species bowfin
(Amia calva)









RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TU28528 lncRNA upstream 29428 11540983 ~ 11541524 (+) True G22738
TU28516 lncRNA upstream 48594 11512153 ~ 11522358 (+) True G22730
TU28504 lncRNA upstream 340559 11229825 ~ 11230393 (+) True G22720
TU28495 lncRNA upstream 459229 11111343 ~ 11111723 (+) True G22712
TU28422 lncRNA upstream 885884 10626674 ~ 10685068 (+) True G22652
TU28547 lncRNA downstream 149630 11723492 ~ 11723746 (+) True G22756
TU28551 lncRNA downstream 239003 11812865 ~ 11813093 (+) True G22760
TU28560 lncRNA downstream 291574 11865436 ~ 11866024 (+) True G22769
TU28561 lncRNA downstream 292301 11866163 ~ 11866484 (+) True G22770
TU28564 lncRNA downstream 303643 11877505 ~ 11877862 (+) True G22773
AMCG00007310 mRNA upstream 793245 10758834 ~ 10777707 (+) True AMCG00007310
AMCG00007306 mRNA upstream 827277 10739045 ~ 10743675 (+) True AMCG00007306
AMCG00007305 mRNA upstream 903657 10660181 ~ 10667295 (+) True AMCG00007305
AMCG00007308 mRNA upstream 915963 10628350 ~ 10654989 (+) True AMCG00007308
AMCG00007307 mRNA upstream 959042 10611533 ~ 10611910 (+) False AMCG00007307
AMCG00007311 mRNA downstream 14772 11588634 ~ 11603718 (+) True AMCG00007311
AMCG00007317 mRNA downstream 1967894 13541756 ~ 13551121 (+) True AMCG00007317
AMCG00007321 mRNA downstream 2049282 13623144 ~ 13624807 (+) True AMCG00007321
AMCG00007322 mRNA downstream 2072765 13646627 ~ 13647013 (+) True AMCG00007322
AMCG00007328 mRNA downstream 2401443 13975305 ~ 13981853 (+) True AMCG00007328
TU28420 other upstream 957848 10611196 ~ 10613104 (+) True AMCG00007307
TU28037 other upstream 2071224 9436524 ~ 9499728 (+) True G22372
TU27900 other upstream 2859641 8704657 ~ 8711311 (+) True AMCG00007253
TU27825 other upstream 3174710 8367436 ~ 8396242 (+) True AMCG00007243
TU27445 other upstream 4192006 7374323 ~ 7378946 (+) True G21891
TU28829 other downstream 2904811 14478673 ~ 14489692 (+) True AMCG00007337
TU28988 other downstream 3712635 15286497 ~ 15287960 (+) False AMCG00007352
TU29675 other downstream 6624906 18198768 ~ 18201960 (+) True AMCG00007417
TU29676 other downstream 6633216 18207078 ~ 18208308 (+) True G23698
TU29705 other downstream 6716246 18290108 ~ 18292338 (+) True G23724

Expression Profile

TU28532 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 16 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.

TU28532 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 7 bars.
TU28532 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 1000.
End of interactive chart.