CELL TYPE: Comitted progenitors

Distribution of Comitted progenitors in Tissues/Organs

Word Cloud of All Markers


  • The figures above shows the results of GO/KEGG/PPI of marker/potential marker genes of Comitted progenitors.

  • Detail Marker Information in Datasets

    Dataset ID Species Tissue / Organ Cell cluster Cell type Experiment type Sample Marker gene Marker class Evidence
    GSE158142 (18hpf) Danio rerio head 9 Comitted progenitors baseline 18hpf, 18 somites, untreatment ENSDARG00000016725 (gadd45gb.1) marker DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.023
    GSE158142 (18hpf) Danio rerio head 9 Comitted progenitors baseline 18hpf, 18 somites, untreatment ENSDARG00000007097 (her13) marker DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.023

        After clicking the magnifying glass button, the clustering and expression information of this marker gene will be displayed below.