Data source SRA: PRJNA656271
Description The goal of this study was to identify distinct cell populations that arise from ventral spinal cord pMN progenitors. To do so, we sorted fluorescently marked pMN cells obtained from Tg(olig2:EGFP) zebrafish embryos at 24, 36 and 48 hours post fertilization and performed 10X Chromium single cell RNA-seq.
Key word sonic hedgehog; motor neurons; oligodendrocytes; pmn progenitors; spinal cord; zebrafish; ventral spinal-cord; sonic-hedgehog; transcription factor; morphogen gradient; expression; differentiation; lineage; cells; olig2; promotes
Publication Scott K, O'Rourke R, Gillen A, Appel B. Prdm8 regulates pMN progenitor specification for motor neuron and oligodendrocyte fates by modulating the Shh signaling response. Development 2020 Aug 27;147(16). PMID: 32680935
Abstract Spinal cord pMN progenitors sequentially produce motor neurons and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). Some OPCs differentiate rapidly as myelinating oligodendrocytes, whereas others remain into adulthood. HowpMNprogenitors switch fromproducingmotor neurons to OPCs with distinct fates is poorly understood. pMN progenitors express prdm8, which encodes a transcriptional repressor, during motor neuron and OPC formation. To determine whether prdm8 controls pMN cell fate specification, we used zebrafish as a model systemto investigate prdm8 function. Our analysis revealed that prdm8 mutant embryos have fewer motor neurons resulting from a premature switch from motor neuron to OPC production. Additionally, prdm8 mutant larvae have excess oligodendrocytes and a concomitant deficit of OPCs. Notably, pMN cells of mutant embryos have elevated Shh signaling, coincident with the motor neuron to OPC switch. Inhibition of Shh signaling restored the number of motor neurons to normal but did not rescue the proportion of oligodendrocytes. These data suggest that Prdm8 regulates the motor neuron-OPC switch by controlling the level of Shh activity in pMN progenitors, and also regulates the allocation of oligodendrocyte lineage cell fates.

Dataset Information

Dataset ID Species Tissue / Organ Experiment type Sample Source dataset ID
1. PRJNA656271 (24hpf) Danio rerio embryo baseline 24hpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells SRA: SRR12424272
2. PRJNA656271 (1.5dpf) Danio rerio embryo baseline 1.5dpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells SRA: SRR12424276
3. PRJNA656271 (2dpf) Danio rerio embryo baseline 2dpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells SRA: SRR12424278

Clustering Result

Cluster Cell type Gene id (symbol) Marker class Evidence
3 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000040946 (olig2) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023

Cluster Cell type Gene id (symbol) Marker class Evidence
1 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000010770 (sox19a) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
1 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000040946 (olig2) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
3 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000040946 (olig2) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
4 Oligodendrocyte precursor cells ENSDARG00000053298 (nkx2.2a) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023

Cluster Cell type Gene id (symbol) Marker class Evidence
2 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000010770 (sox19a) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
2 PMN progenitors ENSDARG00000040946 (olig2) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
4 Pre-myelinating oligodendrocyte ENSDARG00000078676 (myrf) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023
5 Oligodendrocyte precursor cells ENSDARG00000053298 (nkx2.2a) marker DOI:10.1242/dev.191023