Overall data distribution of SSR classified by different ways

Fig. SSRs were classified into two types based on their locations: the type I SSRs are located in genes and the type II SSRs are found in intergenic regions.
Fig. Depending upon the arrangement of nucleotides within the repeat motifs, four categories of SSRs would be defined. (i) simple perfect SSRs (SP) with continuous repetitive units, e.g., (ATC)n; (ii) simple imperfect SSRs (SIP) with one or more interruptions in the run of repeats, e.g.,(ATC)mTT(ATC)n; (iii) compound perfect SSRs (CP), typically, a mixture of SP SSRs, e.g., (AC)m(AGAC)n; (iv) compound imperfect SSRs or interrupted CPs (CIP), a combination of compound and imperfect SSRs, e.g., (ATC)mTTG(AT)kGC(AT)n.
Fig. More than 6,947,000 SSRs from whole-genome were identified by an in-house python script. The distribution statistics of nucleotide repeat unit for SSRs were shown above.