GENE ID: ENSDARG00000105527

Symbol Location Gene type Genome version Species
NA 12: 32179211 ~ 32183255 (-) protein_coding GRCz11 Danio rerio



Dataset ID Tissue / Organ Experiment type Sample Cell type Marker class Evidence
PRJNA554650 (6.5dpf) brain baseline 6.5dpf, whole brain of nr1d1:VNP fish Pineal gland (cluster: 23)
potential marker
PRJNA564810 (5dpf) embryo baseline 5dpf, a single-cell transcriptome atlas for zebrafish development Neuron (cluster: 7)
potential marker
PRJNA672101 (nrl-KO) retina growth 5mpf, three retinas from nrl-KO zebrafsih Bipolar cells (cluster: 2)
potential marker
PRJNA672101 (WT) retina baseline 5mpf, three retinas from WT zebrafsih Bipolar cells (cluster: 1)
potential marker
PRJNA415636 (brain) brain baseline adult, Zebrabow M, brain
PRJNA610520 (3.5dpf) caudal hematopoietic tissue baseline 3.5dpf, the mixture of same amount of kdrl:mCherry+ cells, CD41:GFP+ cells and double negative cells.
PRJNA610520 (4.5dpf) caudal hematopoietic tissue baseline 4.5dpf, the mixture of same amount of kdrl:mCherry+ cells, CD41:GFP+ cells and double negative cells.
PRJNA656271 (24hpf) embryo baseline 24hpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells
PRJNA656271 (1.5dpf) embryo baseline 1.5dpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells
PRJNA656271 (2dpf) embryo baseline 2dpf, FACS-isolated EGFP+ cells
PRJNA640816 (2dpf) embryo baseline 2dpf, FACS isolated -4.9sox10:EGFP+ cells
PRJNA706197 (20hpf) embryo baseline 20hpf, FACS sorted sox10:nEOS cells
PRJNA564810 (2dpf) embryo baseline 2dpf, a single-cell transcriptome atlas for zebrafish development
PRJNA564810 (1dpf) embryo baseline 1dpf, a single-cell transcriptome atlas for zebrafish development
PRJNA608912 (wt_unjuried) heart baseline 5mpf, wild type, uninjured
PRJNA608912 (wt_2dpi) heart regeneration 5mpf, wild type, 2 days post injury
PRJNA608912 (wt_7dpi) heart regeneration 5mpf, wild type, 7 days post injury
PRJNA608912 (kit_uninjuried) heart regeneration 5mpf, kit mutant, uninjured
PRJNA608912 (kit_2dpi) heart regeneration 5mpf, kit mutant, 2 days post injury
PRJNA608912 (kit_7dpi) heart regeneration 5mpf, kit mutant, 7 days post injury
PRJNA415636 (heart, blood) heart, blood baseline adult, Zebrabow M, heart and blood
PRJNA415636 (pancreas, liver) hepatopancreas baseline adult, Zebrabow M, pancreas and liver
PRJNA754013 (zebrafish) hypothalamus baseline adult, male, female, untreatment
PRJNA668529 (3d) olfactory rosette disease 3mpf, intranasal 100ng r-Spike 3 days
PRJNA415636 (primary pancreatic islet) primary pancreatic islet baseline adult, Zebrabow M, primary pancreatic islet
PRJNA551501 (2mpf) thyroid gland baseline 2mpf, Tg(tg:mVenus-T2A-NTR)
PRJNA551501 (8mpf) thyroid gland baseline 8mpf, Tg(tg:mVenus-T2A-NTR)

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